At Edinburgh the thrid day of Apryle Jaj vjc nyntie and fyve years
Act ordering Doctor Burnet and ane Chirurgeon to visite the Earl of Home
The Earle of Annandale President of his Majesties Privie Council haveing acquainted their Lordships That the Earle of Home, who by the Kings express letter is ordered to reenter the Castle of Edinburgh, hes wrot to his Lordship and also to the Clerk of privy Councill who by ordor from the Councill had acquainted the said Earle of Home with the Kings Commands and that the Councill requyred the Earle to reenter himself prisoner in the Castle of Edinburgh against Fryday next acquainting them with his indispositione of bodie and the said Lords of privy Councill haveing consider the Earle of Hom’s letter to their President with certificats under the hands of a Phisitian and a Chirurgeon of the said Earles indispositione of bodie They Hereby appoynt Sir Thomas Burnet Phisitians in ordinarie to his majestie furthwith to repaire to the said Earle of Home his house of Hirsell and to take ane Chirurgeon with him whom he shall think fitt, and if he be not in case for travell The said Lords ordain’s him to nominat an other skilfule phisitiane in his place for whom he will be answerable And ordains that Phisitian who shall be appoynted by Doctor Burnet to repaire to the Hirsle and visite the Earle of Home Carefully and betwixt and the nynth instant to returne under their hands ane account of the Conditione of his bodily health to the Councill and whether the Earle may travell without hazard of his lyfe from the Hirsle to Edinburgh Castle and lie prisoner there And the said Lords appoynts their Clerk to wryte to the Earle of Home acquainting him That if the Phisitian and Chirurgeon sent by the Councill shall report the Earle not to be in case for travelling then they requyre the said Earle to find new bale for two thousand pound sterline And appoynts his majesties Sollicitor to see the Phisitian and Chirurgeon dispatched upon the publict charges and to provyde them with all things neccessarie for their journey both outward and inward and defray the expence of the samine and pay to them such allowance as is usuall in the lyke cases and Recomends to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Thesaurie to reimburse his majesties Sollicitor what expences he shall be at in this matter
1. NRS, PC1/50, 165.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 165.