Act, 3 December 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Thrid day of December Jaj vic Nyntie five years



Act Mr James Kirkwood

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered a petitione given in to them be Mr James Kirkwood Schoolmaister of Kellso They heirby give and grant to the petitioner the sole and only priviledge of printing publishing importing or selling of a new Grammer called Gramatica Disputeraticum Nova, nobi Generis Glossa and a second editione of his Rhetorick And discharges all printers stationers merchands and others whatsomever to print reprint import sell or Disperse within this Kingdom any of the saids two books abovementioned for the Space of nyntyne yeirs efter the publishing heirof with Licence of the said Mr James Kirkwood his airs or assigneyes wnder the penaltie of Two Thousand merks Scotts to be payed by each contraveener the one half therof for his majesties use And the other to the said Mr James or his foirsaids besydes the confiscatione of the books so printed imported Sold or dispersed And makeing up what Loss and damnadge the said Mr James and his foresaids may Sustaine ther by.

Att Edinburgh the Thrid day of December Jaj vic Nyntie five years



Act Mr James Kirkwood

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered a petitione given in to them be Mr James Kirkwood Schoolmaister of Kellso They heirby give and grant to the petitioner the sole and only priviledge of printing publishing importing or selling of a new Grammer called Gramatica Disputeraticum Nova, nobi Generis Glossa and a second editione of his Rhetorick And discharges all printers stationers merchands and others whatsomever to print reprint import sell or Disperse within this Kingdom any of the saids two books abovementioned for the Space of nyntyne yeirs efter the publishing heirof with Licence of the said Mr James Kirkwood his airs or assigneyes wnder the penaltie of Two Thousand merks Scotts to be payed by each contraveener the one half therof for his majesties use And the other to the said Mr James or his foirsaids besydes the confiscatione of the books so printed imported Sold or dispersed And makeing up what Loss and damnadge the said Mr James and his foresaids may Sustaine ther by.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 47v-48r.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 47v-48r.