Act, 5 December 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the fifth day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs



Act and recommendatione Marqwes of Montrose

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the report of a comittee of ther own number appointed for reviseing of the accompts resting be his majesties forces to the countrie beareing that the comittie haveing considered the accompts given in to them as resting be his majsties forces upon Scotts pay to Marqwes of Montrose his tenents with the instructiones and benficationes therof They find the haill articles of the saids accompts Sufficiently verified and proven by the oaths and depositiones of the saids tenents befor two of the commissioners of Supply within the Shire of Pearth Conforme to the comissioners reports Subscrived by them returned with the accompts Which accompts reports were produced to and considered be the said Comittie And finds that conforme to the said accompts and instructiones ther is resting be his majesties forces upon Scotts pay to the saids tenents the Soumes following Viz be the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragownes Ane hundereth and seventie one pund two Shilling eight pennies Scotts Item be The Lord Bellhavens troupe of horse Eightein pund four Shilling Scotts Item be The Earle of Eglingtouns troupe of horse Threttie two pund tuelve Shilling Scotts Item be The Laird of Pollocks troupe of horse Fiftie pund twelve Shilling four pennies Scotts Item by The Lord Rolloes troupe of horse fourtie thrie punds two Shilling four pennies Scotts Item by The Lord Elphingstownes troupe of horse Eleven punds ten Shilling Scotts Item by the deceast Earle of Marrs regiment of foot Sixtie two punds two Shilling Scotts Item by the deceast Lord Barganies regiment of foot Ane hundered and eightie punds eightein Shilling Six pennies Item be The Lord Rosses Troupe of horse fourtein punds ten Shilling Scotts Item by The Viscount of Kenmwires regiment of foot nyntie one punds ten Shilling Scotts Item be the Earle of Argwyles regiment of foot Ane hundereth and fiftie one punds ten Shilling Scotts Item be The Earle of Glencairnes regiment of foot Two Hundereth and ten punds ten Shilling two pennies Scotts Item by the deceast Lord Angws his regiment of foot Thrie Hundereth and nyntie six punds thrie Shilling eight pennies Scotts Item be The maister of Pollwarths troupe of horse two punds threttein Shilling Six pennies Scotts Item be Sir William Hopes troupe of horse Threttie eight punds Scotts Item be Captaine Bryce his independant company nyn punds Scotts Item be the Souldiers in Stirleing castle fourtein punds Scotts Item by Captaine Campbells company twentie Six pund Scotts But this is placed upon Angws regiment by order of the comittie Item by Collonell Bwchans regiment of foot ten punds Sixtein Shilling Scotts Item by The Lord Newbotles troupe of horse tuo punds Scotts Extending the haill Soumes foirsaids resting be his majesties forces upon Scotts pay to the said Marques of Montrose his tenents to the Soume of Ane Thousand four hundereth and Threttie nyn punds Seventyne Shilling two pennies Scotts money And finds that the haill articles wherof this Last Soume is maid up were all furnished preceeding the said first day of February Jaj vic nyntie one yeirs And that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth Sessione of this current parliament Entituled act for pole money and proclamationes of privie Counsell relative therto And Therfore it is the comitties opinion That the said Soume of Ane thousand four Hundereth and threttie nyn punds Seventyne Shilling two pennies Scotts is to be payed to the said Marques of Montrose his tenents out of the polemoney and in anno Jaj vic and nyntie thrie yeirs And that they are to be recommended to the comissioners of parliament appointed anent the said pole money for payment of the Same accordingly As the said report beares The Saids Lords of his majesties privy Counsell doe heirby approve of the said report and recomends to the comissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney imposed in anno Jaj vic nyntie thrie yeirs To cause make payment to the saids tenents of the said Soume of Ane Thousand four Hundereth Threttie nyn punds Seventyne Shilling two pennies Scotts And that out of the foirsaid polemoney

Att Edinburgh the fifth day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs



Act and recommendatione Marqwes of Montrose

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the report of a comittee of ther own number appointed for reviseing of the accompts resting be his majesties forces to the countrie beareing that the comittie haveing considered the accompts given in to them as resting be his majsties forces upon Scotts pay to Marqwes of Montrose his tenents with the instructiones and benficationes therof They find the haill articles of the saids accompts Sufficiently verified and proven by the oaths and depositiones of the saids tenents befor two of the commissioners of Supply within the Shire of Pearth Conforme to the comissioners reports Subscrived by them returned with the accompts Which accompts reports were produced to and considered be the said Comittie And finds that conforme to the said accompts and instructiones ther is resting be his majesties forces upon Scotts pay to the saids tenents the Soumes following Viz be the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragownes Ane hundereth and seventie one pund two Shilling eight pennies Scotts Item be The Lord Bellhavens troupe of horse Eightein pund four Shilling Scotts Item be The Earle of Eglingtouns troupe of horse Threttie two pund tuelve Shilling Scotts Item be The Laird of Pollocks troupe of horse Fiftie pund twelve Shilling four pennies Scotts Item by The Lord Rolloes troupe of horse fourtie thrie punds two Shilling four pennies Scotts Item by The Lord Elphingstownes troupe of horse Eleven punds ten Shilling Scotts Item by the deceast Earle of Marrs regiment of foot Sixtie two punds two Shilling Scotts Item by the deceast Lord Barganies regiment of foot Ane hundered and eightie punds eightein Shilling Six pennies Item be The Lord Rosses Troupe of horse fourtein punds ten Shilling Scotts Item by The Viscount of Kenmwires regiment of foot nyntie one punds ten Shilling Scotts Item be the Earle of Argwyles regiment of foot Ane hundereth and fiftie one punds ten Shilling Scotts Item be The Earle of Glencairnes regiment of foot Two Hundereth and ten punds ten Shilling two pennies Scotts Item by the deceast Lord Angws his regiment of foot Thrie Hundereth and nyntie six punds thrie Shilling eight pennies Scotts Item be The maister of Pollwarths troupe of horse two punds threttein Shilling Six pennies Scotts Item be Sir William Hopes troupe of horse Threttie eight punds Scotts Item be Captaine Bryce his independant company nyn punds Scotts Item be the Souldiers in Stirleing castle fourtein punds Scotts Item by Captaine Campbells company twentie Six pund Scotts But this is placed upon Angws regiment by order of the comittie Item by Collonell Bwchans regiment of foot ten punds Sixtein Shilling Scotts Item by The Lord Newbotles troupe of horse tuo punds Scotts Extending the haill Soumes foirsaids resting be his majesties forces upon Scotts pay to the said Marques of Montrose his tenents to the Soume of Ane Thousand four hundereth and Threttie nyn punds Seventyne Shilling two pennies Scotts money And finds that the haill articles wherof this Last Soume is maid up were all furnished preceeding the said first day of February Jaj vic nyntie one yeirs And that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth Sessione of this current parliament Entituled act for pole money and proclamationes of privie Counsell relative therto And Therfore it is the comitties opinion That the said Soume of Ane thousand four Hundereth and threttie nyn punds Seventyne Shilling two pennies Scotts is to be payed to the said Marques of Montrose his tenents out of the polemoney and in anno Jaj vic and nyntie thrie yeirs And that they are to be recommended to the comissioners of parliament appointed anent the said pole money for payment of the Same accordingly As the said report beares The Saids Lords of his majesties privy Counsell doe heirby approve of the said report and recomends to the comissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney imposed in anno Jaj vic nyntie thrie yeirs To cause make payment to the saids tenents of the said Soume of Ane Thousand four Hundereth Threttie nyn punds Seventyne Shilling two pennies Scotts And that out of the foirsaid polemoney

1. NRS, PC2/26, 48v-49v.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 48v-49v.