Act, 5 December 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the fifth day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs



Act and recomendatione George Mckenzie2

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the report of a comittie of ther own number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting by his majesties forces to the comittie Beareing that The comittie haveing considered the accompt given in to them as resting be the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragownes to George Mchenrie collector in Stonehyven with the instructiones therof They find the articles of the said accompt Sufficiently verified and proven be the oath of the said George Mchenrie taken befor two of the comissioners of Supply within the Shyre of Kincardin And most pairt therof be recepts also Conform to the report Subscribed be the comissioners and recepts granted be the receavers Which accompt report and recepts uere all prodwced to and considered by the comittie And finds that conforme to the said accompt and instructions ther is resting be the said deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragounes the Soume of Thriescore and Eleven punds eight Shilling Scotts to the Said George Mckenzie And finds that the haill articles wherof this Soume is made up were all furnished preceeding the first day of february Jaj vic nyntie ane yeirs And that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth Session of this current parliament Intituled act for pole money and proclamationes of Counsell relative therto And therfor it is ther opinion that the said Soume of Thriescore and Eleven punds Eight Shilling Scotts is to be payed to the said George Mchenrie out of the said polemoney And that he is to be recomended to the comissioners of parliament appointed anent the pole money for payment of the same Accordingly And finds that besyde the Soume forsaid Ther is resting be Captain Home in the forsaid regiment to the said George Mchenry The Soume of Thriescore thrie punds thrie Shilling Scotts But in respect this is not instructed to have bein aither for meat and drink to the Captain nor for the behove of the regiment It is ther opinion that this is not to be payed out of the polemoney But that the Same is to be allowed out of the Captaines arreirs in caice ther Shall be any found due to him efter the debts resting be the forces to the countrie are payed And that the said George Mchenrie is to be recomended to the saids Comissioners of parliament for payment of the Same in these termes and no otherwayes The Saids Lords of his Majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the above report They heirby approve therof And recomends to the Comissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney imposed in anno Jaj vic nyntie thrie To cause make payment to the said George Mckeinzie of the Said Soume of Thriescore Eleven punds eight Shilling Scotts out of the said polemoney And of the said Soume of Thriescore thrie punds thrie Shilling Scotts out of the Said Captaine Home his arreirs in the termes of the said report

Att Edinburgh the fifth day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs



Act and recomendatione George Mckenzie2

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the report of a comittie of ther own number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting by his majesties forces to the comittie Beareing that The comittie haveing considered the accompt given in to them as resting be the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragownes to George Mchenrie collector in Stonehyven with the instructiones therof They find the articles of the said accompt Sufficiently verified and proven be the oath of the said George Mchenrie taken befor two of the comissioners of Supply within the Shyre of Kincardin And most pairt therof be recepts also Conform to the report Subscribed be the comissioners and recepts granted be the receavers Which accompt report and recepts uere all prodwced to and considered by the comittie And finds that conforme to the said accompt and instructions ther is resting be the said deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragounes the Soume of Thriescore and Eleven punds eight Shilling Scotts to the Said George Mckenzie And finds that the haill articles wherof this Soume is made up were all furnished preceeding the first day of february Jaj vic nyntie ane yeirs And that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth Session of this current parliament Intituled act for pole money and proclamationes of Counsell relative therto And therfor it is ther opinion that the said Soume of Thriescore and Eleven punds Eight Shilling Scotts is to be payed to the said George Mchenrie out of the said polemoney And that he is to be recomended to the comissioners of parliament appointed anent the pole money for payment of the same Accordingly And finds that besyde the Soume forsaid Ther is resting be Captain Home in the forsaid regiment to the said George Mchenry The Soume of Thriescore thrie punds thrie Shilling Scotts But in respect this is not instructed to have bein aither for meat and drink to the Captain nor for the behove of the regiment It is ther opinion that this is not to be payed out of the polemoney But that the Same is to be allowed out of the Captaines arreirs in caice ther Shall be any found due to him efter the debts resting be the forces to the countrie are payed And that the said George Mchenrie is to be recomended to the saids Comissioners of parliament for payment of the Same in these termes and no otherwayes The Saids Lords of his Majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the above report They heirby approve therof And recomends to the Comissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney imposed in anno Jaj vic nyntie thrie To cause make payment to the said George Mckeinzie of the Said Soume of Thriescore Eleven punds eight Shilling Scotts out of the said polemoney And of the said Soume of Thriescore thrie punds thrie Shilling Scotts out of the Said Captaine Home his arreirs in the termes of the said report

1. NRS, PC2/26, 52v-53r.

2. Note the scribe alternates between Mckenzie and Mchenrie but McKenzie seems the more likely as Mchenrie is at one point corrected to McKenzie.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 52v-53r.

2. Note the scribe alternates between Mckenzie and Mchenrie but McKenzie seems the more likely as Mchenrie is at one point corrected to McKenzie.