Act, 5 December 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the fifth day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs



Act and recomendatione Mackintosh of Borlum and others

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the report of a comittie of ther owne number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting by his majesties forces to the Countrie Bearing That the comittie haveing considered the accompts given in to them be the persones efternamed within the shyre of Invernes of cornes forraged and away taken from them by the pairties efterspecified of his majesties forces with the instructiones and verificationes therof They find it proven by the report of at least two of the comissioners of assessment within the Shyre of Invernes Conforme to the depositiones of Suorn apprisers taken by the saids commissioners to the cornes in the articles following of the said accompt were forradged and away taken fra the persones efternamed by the pairties efterspecified of his majesties forces viz from James Dallas in the haugh by the forces under the comand of Major Generall Mckay at Invernes in August Jaj vic nyntie yeirs nyn bolls one firlot, two pecks victuall betuixt pease and bear and rush Item from William Frazer in the hawgh by the said forces at the tyme forsaid seven bolls victuall betuixt bear, oats and pease Item from John Baine Taillyer in the hawgh by the saids forces tyme from thrie bolls victuall betuixt bear oats pease and rye Item from William Mcintosh of Borlum and his tenents by the saids forces and tyme forsaid Ane hundereth and eight boles victuall betuixt bear oats rye muslock and pease Item from the said William be the saids forces fourtie two bolls two firlots victuall betuixt pease oats and bear Item from George Cuthbert of Castlehill and his tenents by the said forces in August Jaj vic and nyntie yeirs twentie nyn bolls victuall betuixt bear oats rye pease and muslock Item from Mr William Robertsone of Inshes and his tenents be the saids forces tyme forsaid Ane hundereth ten bolls and ane half victuall betuixt bear oats rye pease and muslock Item from William Bailie Commissioner of Invernes and Isobell Forbes his mother and ther tenents be the saids forces on the third of September Jaj vic nyntie yeirs fiftie nyn boles thrie firlots victuall more from the said William Baillie fourtie four bolls victuall betuixt oats bear and rye Item from James Bailie writer at Invernes be the saids forces the last of August and yeir of God forsaid four bolls two firlots victuall betuixt oats rye and muslock More from the Said James be the saids forces tyme forsaid thrie firlots rye Six bolls oats and two bolls pease all proven by the said James his own oath befor the Saids comissioners Item from Alexander Sqware burges in Invernes be the saids forces in the moneths of August and September forsaid Eight bolls two firlots oats two firlots bear, two firlots pease proven by oath of the said Alexander and be the oaths of appretiators, And the comittie are of opinion that the price of the haill victuall forsaid Should be ten merks Scotts per boll corne and Straw being the price and estimatione made by the comissioners in ther report And the comittie finds that the haill victuall aforsaid amounting to four hundereth and threttie five bolls thrie firlots two perks Does at the said rate of ten merks per boll extend in haill to the Soume of Two Thousand nyn hundereth and five punds Six Shilling eight pennies Scotts and the comittie Finds by a declaratione under the hands of thrie of the saids Comissioners and by severalls of the particular reports that the forces who were the tyme forsaid wnder the comand of Major Generall Mckay at Invernes and for whose wse the reports bears the cornes forsaids to have bein promiscuousely forradged uere Sir Thomas Livingstounes regiment of Dragouns Cardross regiment of Dragounes Major Stewarts troupe Lord Elphingstounes troupe, Lrod Belhavens troupe, Edinglasses troupe, in all eightein troupes wherof the two thirds viz Cardross regiment and the Saids Six independant troupes are upon the Scotts estaiblishment And the comittie are of opinion that therfor the two thirds of the forsaid Soume of Two thousand nyn hundereth and five punds Six Shilling eight pennies amounting to Ane thousand nyn hundereth and threttie Six pund Seventyne Shilling nyn pennies Should be payed out of the pole money and made furthcomeing according to the persones abovementioned ther respective interests And that qwoad the other third of the said soume amounting to nyn hundereth and Sixtie eight punds eight Shilling and eleven pennies That falls to the Share of Sir Thomas Livingstownes Dragounies which are upon the English establishment that the Same be recomended to his majestie for takeing course therwith as in his royall wisedome he Shall think fitt According to the tenor of the proclamationes anent the inbringing the accompts of the arreirs And the comittie finds the article of twelve bolls and ane half of victuall taken upon the eight of September and yeir of God forsaid from Mr Thomas Frazer minister at Doors be a pairtie of Cardross Dragounes under comand of Leivtenent Stewart that the Same is proven by the oaths of appretiators in presence of two of the comissioners of the Shyre And therfor Should affect and be payed owt of the polemoney at the rate and price of the rest of the victuall abovementioned Wherby the saids twelve bolls and a half will amount to the Soume of Ane hundereth and twentie five merks And Sicklyke the comittie finds it proven by recept under Collonell James Lesslies hand that ther is furnished by the said Isobell Forbes for the wse of the Garrisone of Invernes upon the nyntine day of June Jaj vic and nyntie yeirs fourtein bolls meall comonly estimat at ten merks per boll uide nyntie thrie punds, Six Shilling and eight pennies And that albeit by a testificat under the comissar of the armies hand for the tyme the regiments following were at that tyme The regiments following were at that tyme in garrieson ther viz The said Sir James his regiment The Laird of Grant his regiment and Sir Thomas Livingstounes regiment of Dragounes yet seing Sir James recept ordering the payment out of the first and readiest of the cess and revenwe of Scotland And to Sir James Lesslie payed all which was resting by his own regiment (as the comittie are informed) are arguments that non upon the English establishment did Share therof It is the comitties opinion that the said Isobell Should be recomended to the Thesaurie for getting a precept in order to her payment out of the pole money But the comittie repells the other article of five bolls meall furnished be the said Isobell to Captain Corbat comander of the saids detachments of the thrie Dutch regiments at Invernes in the moneth September the said yeir In respect the same is ordered to be payed be the factors for the saids Dutch regiments only but prejudice to the said Isobell of her recourse against the factor as accords As Sicklyke the comittie repells the nynth article of eightie Sheep taken from Thomas Forbes brother to the Laird of Cullodin be Collonell Bwchan his pairtie of Highlanders in august Jaj vic nyntie yeirs Estimat to ane hundereth and five pund Scots in respect the Same was plundered by the enemies to the government and but a callamitie of warr And as to the Sixth article of Sixtie two bolls one firlot victuall taken from Thomas Cheives of Mwirtoune because the report theranent is generall, mentioning the Samen to have bein taken auay in deficulty betuixt the first of June and the tuentie two of October Jaj vic and nyntie yeirs be the forces under Mckay but condescend not upon the particular dayes or moneths that it may be knowen what English or Scotts forces were ther for the tyme Therfor it is the opinion of the comittie that the Same cannot be alloued the first the particular tyme at which and for who did forradge and take the Same be condescended on And repells the article anent Alexander Sqwares two mears and a horse because non constat be the report what troupe or regiment did take the Same from him And the comittie finds the eightein article nyn hundereth and threttie four punds Scots as price of cows and others furnished to the armie under major generall Mckay in Jully Jaj vic nyntie yeirs Sufficiently verified by the said major generells recept and ane act of privie councell dated the tenth of february Jaj vic and nyntie one yeirs appointing the same to be payed to John Mcphersone of Dalrudie and others therinmentioned Out of the thrie moneths Supply and hearth money Therfor and in respect of the oaths of the saids persones upon the eleventh day of March Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs taken befor two of the comissioners of the shyre that no pairt of the Said Soume was payed It is the comittie opinion that the said Same Should be payed out of the polemoney As the said report bears The Saids Lords of Privie Counsell heirby approve of the said report and recomends to the comissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney imposed in anno Jaj vic nyntie thrie to cause make payment Out of the said polemoney to the persones forsaids and uthers particularly mentioned in the report of the Soumes which are by the comittie appointed to be payed out of the polemoney Extending altogither in haill To the Soume of Thrie Thowsand Fourtie Seven punds Eleven Shilling one pennies Scotts each persone accord to his or her respective proportiones particularly Sett Downe and exprest in the said report.

Att Edinburgh the fifth day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs



Act and recomendatione Mackintosh of Borlum and others

The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing considered the report of a comittie of ther owne number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting by his majesties forces to the Countrie Bearing That the comittie haveing considered the accompts given in to them be the persones efternamed within the shyre of Invernes of cornes forraged and away taken from them by the pairties efterspecified of his majesties forces with the instructiones and verificationes therof They find it proven by the report of at least two of the comissioners of assessment within the Shyre of Invernes Conforme to the depositiones of Suorn apprisers taken by the saids commissioners to the cornes in the articles following of the said accompt were forradged and away taken fra the persones efternamed by the pairties efterspecified of his majesties forces viz from James Dallas in the haugh by the forces under the comand of Major Generall Mckay at Invernes in August Jaj vic nyntie yeirs nyn bolls one firlot, two pecks victuall betuixt pease and bear and rush Item from William Frazer in the hawgh by the said forces at the tyme forsaid seven bolls victuall betuixt bear, oats and pease Item from John Baine Taillyer in the hawgh by the saids forces tyme from thrie bolls victuall betuixt bear oats pease and rye Item from William Mcintosh of Borlum and his tenents by the saids forces and tyme forsaid Ane hundereth and eight boles victuall betuixt bear oats rye muslock and pease Item from the said William be the saids forces fourtie two bolls two firlots victuall betuixt pease oats and bear Item from George Cuthbert of Castlehill and his tenents by the said forces in August Jaj vic and nyntie yeirs twentie nyn bolls victuall betuixt bear oats rye pease and muslock Item from Mr William Robertsone of Inshes and his tenents be the saids forces tyme forsaid Ane hundereth ten bolls and ane half victuall betuixt bear oats rye pease and muslock Item from William Bailie Commissioner of Invernes and Isobell Forbes his mother and ther tenents be the saids forces on the third of September Jaj vic nyntie yeirs fiftie nyn boles thrie firlots victuall more from the said William Baillie fourtie four bolls victuall betuixt oats bear and rye Item from James Bailie writer at Invernes be the saids forces the last of August and yeir of God forsaid four bolls two firlots victuall betuixt oats rye and muslock More from the Said James be the saids forces tyme forsaid thrie firlots rye Six bolls oats and two bolls pease all proven by the said James his own oath befor the Saids comissioners Item from Alexander Sqware burges in Invernes be the saids forces in the moneths of August and September forsaid Eight bolls two firlots oats two firlots bear, two firlots pease proven by oath of the said Alexander and be the oaths of appretiators, And the comittie are of opinion that the price of the haill victuall forsaid Should be ten merks Scotts per boll corne and Straw being the price and estimatione made by the comissioners in ther report And the comittie finds that the haill victuall aforsaid amounting to four hundereth and threttie five bolls thrie firlots two perks Does at the said rate of ten merks per boll extend in haill to the Soume of Two Thousand nyn hundereth and five punds Six Shilling eight pennies Scotts and the comittie Finds by a declaratione under the hands of thrie of the saids Comissioners and by severalls of the particular reports that the forces who were the tyme forsaid wnder the comand of Major Generall Mckay at Invernes and for whose wse the reports bears the cornes forsaids to have bein promiscuousely forradged uere Sir Thomas Livingstounes regiment of Dragouns Cardross regiment of Dragounes Major Stewarts troupe Lord Elphingstounes troupe, Lrod Belhavens troupe, Edinglasses troupe, in all eightein troupes wherof the two thirds viz Cardross regiment and the Saids Six independant troupes are upon the Scotts estaiblishment And the comittie are of opinion that therfor the two thirds of the forsaid Soume of Two thousand nyn hundereth and five punds Six Shilling eight pennies amounting to Ane thousand nyn hundereth and threttie Six pund Seventyne Shilling nyn pennies Should be payed out of the pole money and made furthcomeing according to the persones abovementioned ther respective interests And that qwoad the other third of the said soume amounting to nyn hundereth and Sixtie eight punds eight Shilling and eleven pennies That falls to the Share of Sir Thomas Livingstownes Dragounies which are upon the English establishment that the Same be recomended to his majestie for takeing course therwith as in his royall wisedome he Shall think fitt According to the tenor of the proclamationes anent the inbringing the accompts of the arreirs And the comittie finds the article of twelve bolls and ane half of victuall taken upon the eight of September and yeir of God forsaid from Mr Thomas Frazer minister at Doors be a pairtie of Cardross Dragounes under comand of Leivtenent Stewart that the Same is proven by the oaths of appretiators in presence of two of the comissioners of the Shyre And therfor Should affect and be payed owt of the polemoney at the rate and price of the rest of the victuall abovementioned Wherby the saids twelve bolls and a half will amount to the Soume of Ane hundereth and twentie five merks And Sicklyke the comittie finds it proven by recept under Collonell James Lesslies hand that ther is furnished by the said Isobell Forbes for the wse of the Garrisone of Invernes upon the nyntine day of June Jaj vic and nyntie yeirs fourtein bolls meall comonly estimat at ten merks per boll uide nyntie thrie punds, Six Shilling and eight pennies And that albeit by a testificat under the comissar of the armies hand for the tyme the regiments following were at that tyme The regiments following were at that tyme in garrieson ther viz The said Sir James his regiment The Laird of Grant his regiment and Sir Thomas Livingstounes regiment of Dragounes yet seing Sir James recept ordering the payment out of the first and readiest of the cess and revenwe of Scotland And to Sir James Lesslie payed all which was resting by his own regiment (as the comittie are informed) are arguments that non upon the English establishment did Share therof It is the comitties opinion that the said Isobell Should be recomended to the Thesaurie for getting a precept in order to her payment out of the pole money But the comittie repells the other article of five bolls meall furnished be the said Isobell to Captain Corbat comander of the saids detachments of the thrie Dutch regiments at Invernes in the moneth September the said yeir In respect the same is ordered to be payed be the factors for the saids Dutch regiments only but prejudice to the said Isobell of her recourse against the factor as accords As Sicklyke the comittie repells the nynth article of eightie Sheep taken from Thomas Forbes brother to the Laird of Cullodin be Collonell Bwchan his pairtie of Highlanders in august Jaj vic nyntie yeirs Estimat to ane hundereth and five pund Scots in respect the Same was plundered by the enemies to the government and but a callamitie of warr And as to the Sixth article of Sixtie two bolls one firlot victuall taken from Thomas Cheives of Mwirtoune because the report theranent is generall, mentioning the Samen to have bein taken auay in deficulty betuixt the first of June and the tuentie two of October Jaj vic and nyntie yeirs be the forces under Mckay but condescend not upon the particular dayes or moneths that it may be knowen what English or Scotts forces were ther for the tyme Therfor it is the opinion of the comittie that the Same cannot be alloued the first the particular tyme at which and for who did forradge and take the Same be condescended on And repells the article anent Alexander Sqwares two mears and a horse because non constat be the report what troupe or regiment did take the Same from him And the comittie finds the eightein article nyn hundereth and threttie four punds Scots as price of cows and others furnished to the armie under major generall Mckay in Jully Jaj vic nyntie yeirs Sufficiently verified by the said major generells recept and ane act of privie councell dated the tenth of february Jaj vic and nyntie one yeirs appointing the same to be payed to John Mcphersone of Dalrudie and others therinmentioned Out of the thrie moneths Supply and hearth money Therfor and in respect of the oaths of the saids persones upon the eleventh day of March Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs taken befor two of the comissioners of the shyre that no pairt of the Said Soume was payed It is the comittie opinion that the said Same Should be payed out of the polemoney As the said report bears The Saids Lords of Privie Counsell heirby approve of the said report and recomends to the comissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney imposed in anno Jaj vic nyntie thrie to cause make payment Out of the said polemoney to the persones forsaids and uthers particularly mentioned in the report of the Soumes which are by the comittie appointed to be payed out of the polemoney Extending altogither in haill To the Soume of Thrie Thowsand Fourtie Seven punds Eleven Shilling one pennies Scotts each persone accord to his or her respective proportiones particularly Sett Downe and exprest in the said report.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 54v-55v.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 54v-55v.