Edinburgh Thursday the 7th November 1695
Act The principalls and Regents of the university of St Andrews
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be the principalls and professors of Philosophie and Humanity of the university of St Andrews Shewing That wher the principalls and professors of phillosophie of the said university Having lately applyed to the saids Lords for Dividing amongst them the product of the half moneths Cess Granted be act of parliament to the said university The Lords Did Remitt the Division thereof to a Committie of their oun number, Who Finding the Nett Rentall of the said half moneths Cess (after deduction of all publict burdens except the Cess) To extend to ane hundreth fourtie six punds six shilling Scots money and nyntein Chalders ten bolls and thrie firlots of victuall did divyde the Samen amongst the said two principalls and Eight Regents of philosophie as followes Viz to the two principalls The forsaid Sum of ane hundrith fourtie six pund six Shilling of money rent and Seventie four bolls and thrie firlots of victuall rent To be equally divyded betwixt them, And the rest of the victuall rent being two hundreth and Fourtie bolls To be equally divyded amongst the Eight professors of phillosophie being to each of them threttie bolls, And ordained the first payment of the said money and victuall rent to be betwixt Yuill and Candlmiss nixt Cropt and year Jaj vic Nyntie five years and Swa furth to Continue yearly in time comeing for each year. And this division being ready to be reported to the saids Lords, The Samen was Stopt upon a bill given in by the two regents of Humanity of the said university Craveing that they might have their Share and proportion of the said rent, And the principall and regents of phillosophie Considering the Justice and equity of the forsaid desire And for preventing the saids Lords Furder trouble in the said matter Have by ane muttuall agreement betwixt them and the two regents of humanity Condescended, and agreed, That each regents of humanity shall have one Chalder of victuall allowed for his share to be deduced from the severall shires of the two principalls and Eight Regents of phillosophie as they were assigned them in the forsaid division Viz from each principall four bolls and from each regent of philosophie Thrie bolls amounting in the haill to two Chalders of victuall Which the said two regents of Humanity are fully Content and satisfied with as ther proportionable shares of the rents of the Lands allready purchased by the forsaid half moneths Cess as the said agreement therwith produced would testifie And Therfore Humbly Supplicating the saids Lords to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears. The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Having Considered this petition given in to them by the principalls and prophessors of Phillosophie and humanity of the university of St Androwes, With the report of a Comittie of their oun number and agreement betwixt the principalls and Regents of Phillosophie and humanity mentioned therin and produced therwith They Find that the nate rentall of the above half Moneths Cess (after deduction of all publict burdeins except the Cess) Extends to one hundreth and fourtie six punds six shilling Scots of money And nyntein Chalders Ten bolls thrie firlots of victuall and appoints the Same to be divyded amongst the principalls and regents of phillosophie and humanity in maner after following Viz To each of the saids principalls Seventie thrie punds Thrie Shilling of money And Threttie thrie bolls one Firlot Two pecks victuall And to each of the Eight Regents of Phillosophie Twentie Seven bolls victuall and to each of the two regents of Humanity Sixtein bolls amounting in all to the money and victuall Contained in the forsaid report, And Ordaines the first termes payment of the saids principalls and regents thrie Shorres of the said rent to be payed to them betwixt Yuill and Candlmiss nixt for this present instant Cropt Jaj vic Nyntie five and Swa furth yearly2 in time comeing And Ordaines letters of horning on fiftein dayes and others needfull to be direct heiron against the factor and tennents for payment therof.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 20r-21r.
2. The word ‘and’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 20r-21r.
2. The word ‘and’ scored out here.