[9 April 1695] Eodem die Post meridiem
Act Robert Naesmith
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Robert Naesmith indwaller in Haddingtoune Shewing That quher Thomas Naesmith the petitioners brother after having been about four years Maried without any Cheldrein is of late become furious which distemper after some Lesser Degrees is now brock out to that hight as that his furiosity is nottour, and all the money and estate he hade being in lying money Malt and other victuall and household plenishing and other moveables is exposed to be Imbazled by those about him to the prejudice both of himself and his nearest of kine who may succeid to him, Lykeas de facto the persones therwith given in in List are suspected to have Caried a way or to have resett his lying money and other goods, and such are the presumptions of their Imbazling that when the shirreff come upon informatione to Inventar or secure the goods they shutt the doors upon him and would give him no access, And Seing that in this case the legall remeedie most be by taking out breives and Causeing Cognose the furiosity by ane inquest that the persones furious may have administrators which cannot be so quickly done and that ther Lordships 2 authority is needfull to stopt in the mean time the forsaid Imbazlement that the poor man may not be at once deprived of his Judgment and quyt spoilled to his goods And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords would Impower the shirreff of Haddingtoune or his deputs to take sumar Cognition of the said Thomas Naesmith her Condition and as he shall find the same to requyre to Cause Inventary secure and sequestrat the Lying money and haill goods and wrytes pertaineing to him as also take the oathes of the forsaid persones suspected to be Imbazlers and to secure whatsoever is in their hands and to put the wholl under due sequestratione Untill either the said Thomas Recover his health or Judgment have tutors and administrators given to him and incace the shirreff meet with any opposition the saids Lords would be pleased to ordaine farder that he may make and use the kings keyes for the end forsaid allenarly as the petition bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Robert Naesmith They heirby Authorize and Impower the shirreff principall of the shyre of Haddingtone or his deputs to like sumar Cognition of the above Thomas Naesmith his Condition and as they shall find the same to requyre To Cause Inventar Secure and Sequestrat the Lying money and haill goods and wrytes pertaineing to him and also to take the oathes of Elizabeth Syme Spouse to the said Thomas Anna Crowden her servant Margaret Thomsone Jannet Cochran and John Livingstoune Servants Robert Brown Litster in Haddingtoune and Margaret Neilsone his Spouse, William Browne Chirurgeon, Katharin Brown his Spouse and Robert Gordon writer in Hadingtone and of any other persones suspect to be Imbazellers and to secure what ever is in ther hands, and put the wholl under due sequestratione untill either the said Thomas recover his health and Judgment or have tutors and administrators given to him and in case the shirreff or his deputs shall happen to meett with any oppositione The saids Lords ordaines them to make the Kings letters for the end forsaid allenerlly.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 227v-228v.
2. The word ‘would’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 227v-228v.
2. The word ‘would’ scored out here.