[9 April 1695] Eodem die Post meridiem
Act Sir John Ramsay etc
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Sir John Ramsay of Whythill, James Murray of Poltoune and Gilbert Hay of Bridglands Shewing That quher the petitioners and ther tennents are most unjustly Charged for payment of Two hundreth merks the one half to be payed to the shyre wher they Live for the publict use therof, and the other half to John Adair Geographar for ther alledged being deficient in puting out of ane man to the late Levie appoynted be act of parliament (the man being put out be the valued rent) and he the said Sir John Ramsay having accordingly performend the same as to all the petitioners other Lands and was and is willing to performe the samen as to the Lands of Whithill Conforme to his true valuation and proportion of outreik of the hundred and nyntein men put out be the shire And likwayes the said James Murray and Gilbert Hay is and allwayes were most willing to have Contribute for ther true proportiones Conforme to ther valuationes But to evidence to the saids Lords how maliciously they are all oppressed in this affair albeit they did in due time meet at Cockpen and apply to him being appointed overseer be the shyre to proportione the Cost of the paroches of Cranstoune, Carriengtoun and Cockpen for remeid, Which he refused and now the petitioners being Charged for thrie times more then ther true valuation, In so farr as the said thrie paroches being valued to Eleven thousand thrie hundred and Fiftie nyne pund fiftein shilling and five pennies, The valuatione of the petitioners lands is included and is only seven hundred and twentie one pund thretein shilling four penies Which when Calculat the petitioners proportion will not extend to at thrid part of the outreik of one man albeit they be made Lyable for ane wholl man, and the petitioners being Imediatly to be poynded therfore Did apply themselves by ane petition to the earle of Annandale Lord President of his majesties privy Councill for ane sist of executione till the Councill should sitt, That the petitioners might apply themselves to the saids Lords and get the injurie done to them rectified His Lordship did accordingly sist executione till the tenth day of this instant; And seing this as the Last day of the Sist, and that it is evident be the extract of the valuatione of the said thrie paroches under the Clerks hands therwith produced how they are injured and oppressed and that they were allwayes and still are most willing to pay ther respective proportiones of the said outreik as any within the saids thrie2 paroches Conforme to ther valuationes either as to the valued rent or proportions of the said outreik of one hundred and nyntein appointed to be Levid of the shyre And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased to take the premmises to ther Serious Consideratione and to ordaine the shirref depute of Midlothian who is appointed be their Lordships for Collecting and inbringing of the said deficiencies To receive ther true proportiones of ther hands Conforme to their valuationes, And in the mean time to Discharge any furder executione against them or ther tennents for that effect as the petitione bears The Lords of his majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Sir John Ramsay and others They heirby refuse the desyre therof Reserving to the petitioners their releiff against the rest of the heritors pro rata to be pursued for before the shirreff of the shyre or the Commissioner of supply within the same.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 228v-229v.
2. Insertion.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 228v-229v.
2. Insertion.