Acts, 26 November 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh tuesday the tuenty sexth day of November Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Act and Recomendatione Captain Haly Spence

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill by Captain Haly Spence Baillie of Stoalla in Orknay Shewing That about the tyme of the Late happy revolutione out of the petitioners zeall to his majesties interest and service He was amongst the first in Orknay that ouned his majesties Government and severall tymes exposed his persone to hazard for the defence thereof Particularly in June Jaj vjc nynty and four years when the Countrey was lyke to be invaded by Frenches He haveing a Commissione from Collonell Robert Elphingston of Lopnes conveened about ane Hundred and tuenty men and upon his owne propper Charges furnished drums Collours severall guns swords and amunitione and marched with them to Holme where the French Privateers were then lyeing to oppose their Landing men and remained there for severall dayes, and helped to beat them of and saved the Countrey from their Rapine who endeavoured to Land men to plunder robb and distroy the same And further upon all occasiones ever since the revolutione He and his Companie were still the first that were called and have keept guaird in Kirkwall for severall nights all which appears by a declaratione under the Hand of Collonell Robert Elphingstoune and ane other under the Hand of Captain Waddell then present in that Countrey produced with the forsaid petitione Notwithstanding of which services done to King and Countrey He never received so much as reimbursement of his necessar and vast expences and would still be Loath to trouble the said Lords if the straits of his numerous familey did not press him very sore He haveing a wyfe and sexteen Children of whom tuelve are under fourteen years of age and one of2 his eldest sons is in his Majesties Service and seing the said petitioner hes been at great charges and expenses upon the foresaid accompts and that He and his poor wyfe and numerous familey are rendered very desolate and in great want and that the petitioner is still resolved to imploy all the strenth and interest that God shall be pleased to allow Him for his Majesties service and Government as occasione shall offer And therfore Humblie Craveing in maner and to the effect aftermentioned as the said petitione at lenth bears The Lords of his majesties privy councill haveing considered the foresaid petitione given in to them by the said Captain Hary Spence They Hereby recomend to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties Thesaurie To cause payment be made to the said petitioner of the sum of fourty pound sterline for the present supply of his numerous familey and small Children And recomends to his sacred majestie to allow to the said petitioner such yearlie pensione for maintainance of himself and numerous familey as his majestie in his royall wisdome and bountifull Compassione shall think fitt.

At Edinburgh tuesday the tuenty sexth day of November Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Act and Recomendatione Captain Haly Spence

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privy Councill by Captain Haly Spence Baillie of Stoalla in Orknay Shewing That about the tyme of the Late happy revolutione out of the petitioners zeall to his majesties interest and service He was amongst the first in Orknay that ouned his majesties Government and severall tymes exposed his persone to hazard for the defence thereof Particularly in June Jaj vjc nynty and four years when the Countrey was lyke to be invaded by Frenches He haveing a Commissione from Collonell Robert Elphingston of Lopnes conveened about ane Hundred and tuenty men and upon his owne propper Charges furnished drums Collours severall guns swords and amunitione and marched with them to Holme where the French Privateers were then lyeing to oppose their Landing men and remained there for severall dayes, and helped to beat them of and saved the Countrey from their Rapine who endeavoured to Land men to plunder robb and distroy the same And further upon all occasiones ever since the revolutione He and his Companie were still the first that were called and have keept guaird in Kirkwall for severall nights all which appears by a declaratione under the Hand of Collonell Robert Elphingstoune and ane other under the Hand of Captain Waddell then present in that Countrey produced with the forsaid petitione Notwithstanding of which services done to King and Countrey He never received so much as reimbursement of his necessar and vast expences and would still be Loath to trouble the said Lords if the straits of his numerous familey did not press him very sore He haveing a wyfe and sexteen Children of whom tuelve are under fourteen years of age and one of2 his eldest sons is in his Majesties Service and seing the said petitioner hes been at great charges and expenses upon the foresaid accompts and that He and his poor wyfe and numerous familey are rendered very desolate and in great want and that the petitioner is still resolved to imploy all the strenth and interest that God shall be pleased to allow Him for his Majesties service and Government as occasione shall offer And therfore Humblie Craveing in maner and to the effect aftermentioned as the said petitione at lenth bears The Lords of his majesties privy councill haveing considered the foresaid petitione given in to them by the said Captain Hary Spence They Hereby recomend to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties Thesaurie To cause payment be made to the said petitioner of the sum of fourty pound sterline for the present supply of his numerous familey and small Children And recomends to his sacred majestie to allow to the said petitioner such yearlie pensione for maintainance of himself and numerous familey as his majestie in his royall wisdome and bountifull Compassione shall think fitt.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 270-1.

2. The word ‘my’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 270-1.

2. The word ‘my’ scored out here.