Att Edinburgh the Tenth day of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs
Interloquitor Collonell John Hill
A petitione given in be Collonell John Hill Governour of Fortwilliam at Inner Lockie for himself and the remanent officers and souldiers of his regiment Craveing the Councill would take effectuall course for that regiments pay Conforme to his majesties Letter directed to the Lords of Thesaurie in February Last ordaining this regiment to be distingwished from other regiments in ther payments And the Councell haveing considered the said petitione They heirby recommend to The Lords Comissioners of his majesties thesaurie to take course for that regiments effectuall payment of what is resting to them in tyme comeing in the termes of his majesties Letter mentioned in the said petitione
1. NRS, PC2/26, 56r.
1. NRS, PC2/26, 56r.