At Edinburgh thursday the tuenty sexth day of December Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years
Letter: royal
Letter frae ye King ordering the draught of Coll Mcgils regiment to be given to Collonell Mckay
The following Letter from the King read and ordered to be recorded and the Same was intimat to Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in Cheiff of his majesties forces within this Kingdome by the Lord Chancellor at the board and a Coppie whereof was delyvered to Him followes the Tenor of the Letter sic suprascribitur William Rex Right trusty and right welbeloved Cousin and Councillor Right trusty and intirely beloved Cousin and Councellor Right trusty and and2 right well beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trusty and welbeloved Cousins and Councillors Right trusty and welbeloved Councillors and trusty and welbeloved Councillors we greet you well Whereas by our Letter to you bearing date the thrid instant We did requyre you to give orders to the Commander in Cheiff of our Forces to cause make a Draught of our Regiments of foot in that our Kingdome for recruiting of our Scots regiments in Flanders We being resolved That the draught to be taken out of the Regiment now commanded by Collonell Mcgill be given to Collonell Robert McCay for recruiting that our Regiment in Flanders lately belonging to D’Offerrell which we have now bestowed upon the said Collonell Robert McKay Doe therfore authorize and requyre you to give orders to the Commander in Cheiff of our forces there That the draught taken out of the said Regiment belonging now to Collonell Mcgill be delyvered to the said Collonell Robert McCay or to such officers from Flanders as belong to the said Regiment now Commanded by him so far as his proportione of the said draughts does extent to which is the number of ane Hundred and sexty sex men, He or his officers payeing for each man according to the ordors given by us to you in our former Letter which is to continue your rule in all other things relateing to the Recruits for doeing whereof this shall be your warrand so we bid you heartily farewell Given at our Court at Kensingtoune the sexteenth day of December Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years and of our Reigne the seventh year By his Majesties Command sic subscribitur J Johnstoune
1. NRS, PC1/50, 303-4.
2. Sic.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 303-4.
2. Sic.