Letter: royal, 9 July 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Holyrudehouse the nynth day of July Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years


Letter: royal

Letter frae the King Adjourneing the generall assemblie

The Letter afterinsert being read in presene2 of the Lords of his majesties Privy Councill was ordored to be recorded in their books whereof the tenor followeth sic subscribitur William Rex Right trusty and right welbeloved Cousin and Councillor Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousin and Councillor Right trusty and right welbeloved Cousins and Councillors Right trusty and welbeloved Cousins and Councillors Right trusty and welbeloved Councillors and trusty and welbeloved Councillors we greet you well whereas by our Letter in march Last the meeting of our generall assemblie was put off to the eleventh day of July next and our parliament not being now to meet as soon as was then intended and it being necessary That we know what shall be done in parliament about Church matters before we can give the necessary ordors and instructiones for the meeting of the assemblie and the distance we shall be at and the uncertainty of passadge may happen to come too Late It is therfore our Will and pleasure That in case you receive noe orders from us before the said eleventh day of July for the meeting of the generall assemblie at that tyme, you emitt a proclamatione for adjourneing the same to the tuentie day of November next to come against which tyme you may expect the necessary ordors concerneing the meeting of it so we bid you heartily farwell Given at our Court at Kensingtoune the seventhenth day of Apryll Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years and of our3 Reigne the seventh year By his majesties Command sic subscribitur J Johnstoune

Holyrudehouse the nynth day of July Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years


Letter: royal

Letter frae the King Adjourneing the generall assemblie

The Letter afterinsert being read in presene2 of the Lords of his majesties Privy Councill was ordored to be recorded in their books whereof the tenor followeth sic subscribitur William Rex Right trusty and right welbeloved Cousin and Councillor Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousin and Councillor Right trusty and right welbeloved Cousins and Councillors Right trusty and welbeloved Cousins and Councillors Right trusty and welbeloved Councillors and trusty and welbeloved Councillors we greet you well whereas by our Letter in march Last the meeting of our generall assemblie was put off to the eleventh day of July next and our parliament not being now to meet as soon as was then intended and it being necessary That we know what shall be done in parliament about Church matters before we can give the necessary ordors and instructiones for the meeting of the assemblie and the distance we shall be at and the uncertainty of passadge may happen to come too Late It is therfore our Will and pleasure That in case you receive noe orders from us before the said eleventh day of July for the meeting of the generall assemblie at that tyme, you emitt a proclamatione for adjourneing the same to the tuentie day of November next to come against which tyme you may expect the necessary ordors concerneing the meeting of it so we bid you heartily farwell Given at our Court at Kensingtoune the seventhenth day of Apryll Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years and of our3 Reigne the seventh year By his majesties Command sic subscribitur J Johnstoune

1. NRS, PC1/50, 208-9.

2. Sic.

3. The phrase ‘Reigne the seventh year sic subsc’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 208-9.

2. Sic.

3. The phrase ‘Reigne the seventh year sic subsc’ scored out here.