Hollyruidhouse Tuesday the 11th June 1694
Recomendation The Lairds of Kelburne and Sornbegg
Anent the petition given in to His majesties Commissioner and Lords of privy Councill be David Boyll of Kelburne and Robert Dicksone of Sornbegg Shewing That quher the petitioners upon the Credit of the late act of parliament anent the pole money Did advance severall soumes of money to sundrie particular persones living within burgh and in the Countrey In Contemplation of the Arreirs due to them by the army and acquered a right from them to their saids arreirs and upon the petitioners haveing therby […] the Clamour of the Countrey for the want of payment of what was resting to them be the army And Likewayes having Supplied the wants and releived the necessities of Severalls to whom present money was of great use, the petitioner in prosecutione of their ryts Caused state the saids accompts Conforme to the said act of parliament before the Commissioners of Supply and after much trouble and Charges bestowed theron the petitioners obtained them to be revised by a Comittie of their Lordships number who haveing made report therof to them quherin a great many articles and the soumes due therby are retrinche’d and Cutt off and when they were given in to the saids Lords for a recomendatione theron to the Lords of thesaury, The saids Lords Thought fitt to delay approveing therof or Recomending the same upon ane apprehensione that the persones from whom they accquired right hade been injured and ther right hade been illicite from them upon missrepresentatione made by the petitioners and albeit it be a Considerable time since these accompts were given in to the saids Lords, And that it is not only knowen to all the Countrey of their punctuall payment hath been made of all the accompts Recommended by their Lordships and that the only obsticle for the2 saids Lords not recomending the transacted accompts were the reasones forsaids yet never any persone hath reclaimed nor made the least insinuatione of any injury done to them or Complained that their rights hade been illcite from them by any sinistreous methode Nevertheless the petitioners for Convinceing their Lordships with what ingenuity and integrety they proceided and to remove all doubt of ground of delay with their Lordships They are Content upon approving and Recomending to the Lords of thesaury the transacted accompts with the rest to find suficient Cautione acted in their Lordships books that They should answer to and satisfie any Complaints that should be made to their Lordships upon the accompt of the saids transactiones by any persone whatsomever according as their Lordships in Justice should determine the samen being but to Continue for a year And Therfore Humbly supplicating the saids Lords to the effect aftermentioned His Majesties high Commissioner and Lords of privy Councill Having Considered this petition given in to them be the above Lairds of Kelburne and Sornbegg They heirby Recomend to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury To Cause make payment to the petitioners of any accompts formerly recommended by the Councill to the saids Lords out of the polemoney notwithstanding of any former stop, and Declairs that any accompts either revised or not revised be the Committie appointed for that effect given in for the petitioners are to pass and proceid without Impediment in the Comon forme as the accompts resting to any other of his majesties Leidges within this kingdome In Respect the petitioners have given bond and found suficient Cautione acted in the book of privy Councill that they shall answer to and satisfie any Complaints that shall be made to the Lords of privy Councill be any persone whatsomever upon account of the two transactiones made betwixt the petitioners and them anent the accompts resting by his Majesties forces to them Which bond bears this express provisione that the same is only to endure for the space of one year Compleat nixt after the day and date heirof.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 252v-253v.
2. The word ‘particulars’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 252v-253v.
2. The word ‘particulars’ scored out here.