Order, 14 February 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh 14th February 1695



Ordor anent the Shipping and Draughts of Recruits of Souldiers

The Lords of his Majesties Privy Councill in obedience to his Majesties Letters directed to them anent the draughts to be made out of the severall Regiments afternamed as recruits for Flanders Doe Hereby Ordaine Collonell Hill at Fort William to transport to the road of Blackness the number of three hundred men of his Regiment at Fort William 2 including the draught alreadie made by him and Recomends to the Lord Murray and the Lord Lindsay to transport to the said road the number of two Hundred and tuenty sex men out of each of their Regiments and all these men to be transported betwixt and the tuentie fyth day of February instant And ordains Collonell Douglas To transport to the road of Leith the number of tuo Hundred and tuenty sex men out of his regiment betwixt and the tuentie sexth day of the said moneth of February instant And ordains Collonell […] McKay to transport the lyke number of two Hundred and tuenty sex men out of his Regiment to the said road of Leith Betwixt and the twentie seventh day of the said moneth of Februarie instant to the effect they may be shipped at the respective places foresaid aboard the transport ships whose convoyes are lyeing readie waiting for them in ordor to be transported to Flanders for recruiting of his majesties scots forces there The Desertors from Flanders in the respective Regiments foresaid being alwayes reckoned of the said numbers of men to be given out of the foresaid Regiments And the officers or others who shall receive the said men als weill Desertors as others, paying threttie shilling sterling for each of them And appoynts the respective Collonells foresaid to take speciall Care that the men which shall be sent be good and sufficient men as the will be answerable upon their perrill And Recomends to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Thesaurie To call for the Magistrats of Edinburgh and to give ordor to them and the magistrats of the other places foresaid designed for imbarqueing the said recruits to prepare boats for transporting the said recruits from land and putting them on board the transport ships And appoynts the Lord Jedburgh Commander in Cheiff of his Majesties forces within this King[dome] To fournish Guards to attend their imbarquement and after they are on board That the guards (3if thought needfull remaine in the ships untill they saille

At Edinburgh 14th February 1695



Ordor anent the Shipping and Draughts of Recruits of Souldiers

The Lords of his Majesties Privy Councill in obedience to his Majesties Letters directed to them anent the draughts to be made out of the severall Regiments afternamed as recruits for Flanders Doe Hereby Ordaine Collonell Hill at Fort William to transport to the road of Blackness the number of three hundred men of his Regiment at Fort William 2 including the draught alreadie made by him and Recomends to the Lord Murray and the Lord Lindsay to transport to the said road the number of two Hundred and tuenty sex men out of each of their Regiments and all these men to be transported betwixt and the tuentie fyth day of February instant And ordains Collonell Douglas To transport to the road of Leith the number of tuo Hundred and tuenty sex men out of his regiment betwixt and the tuentie sexth day of the said moneth of February instant And ordains Collonell […] McKay to transport the lyke number of two Hundred and tuenty sex men out of his Regiment to the said road of Leith Betwixt and the twentie seventh day of the said moneth of Februarie instant to the effect they may be shipped at the respective places foresaid aboard the transport ships whose convoyes are lyeing readie waiting for them in ordor to be transported to Flanders for recruiting of his majesties scots forces there The Desertors from Flanders in the respective Regiments foresaid being alwayes reckoned of the said numbers of men to be given out of the foresaid Regiments And the officers or others who shall receive the said men als weill Desertors as others, paying threttie shilling sterling for each of them And appoynts the respective Collonells foresaid to take speciall Care that the men which shall be sent be good and sufficient men as the will be answerable upon their perrill And Recomends to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Thesaurie To call for the Magistrats of Edinburgh and to give ordor to them and the magistrats of the other places foresaid designed for imbarqueing the said recruits to prepare boats for transporting the said recruits from land and putting them on board the transport ships And appoynts the Lord Jedburgh Commander in Cheiff of his Majesties forces within this King[dome] To fournish Guards to attend their imbarquement and after they are on board That the guards (3if thought needfull remaine in the ships untill they saille

1. NRS, PC1/50, 127.

2. The word ‘and’ scored out here.

3. Closing bracket missing.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 127.

2. The word ‘and’ scored out here.

3. Closing bracket missing.