Edinburgh Wedensday 17th Aprill 1695
Recomendatione The Lord Strathnaver
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of His majesties privy Councill be John Strathnaver Shewing That quher it is weell knowen to the saids Lords That shortly after the late happy revolutione the petitioner raised a foot regiment for the necessary defence of the Government Which regiment the petitioner not only for the most part subsisted with alse Litle burdein to, and Complaint from the Countrey as can be instanced in any regiment then standing, But did also at his oun Charge Cloath then sufficiently and with all keept the regiment as full and in alse good order as any other regiment as full and in alse good order as any other regiment was keept By reasone quherof it now necessarly falls out that ther are great and Considerable arreirs due to the burghs and Countrey should be first payed out of that fond and ther Lordships haveing emitted severeall proclamationes for bringing in the accompts due to the burghes and Countrey in order to ther said payment In the first place the fiftein of march which was the last day assigned peremptory for that effect is now elapsed, and the farr greatest part of the saids accompts, and in effect the wholl accompts of all these places wher the petitioners regiment hapned to be quartered are both brought into and approven and transmitted be the saids Lords to the Lords of the thesaury as may Clearly be understood by the declaration of the secretary of Warr for the time, who keept a particular register of all ther quarterings and removeings so that now at this instant it can be alse plainely made appear to the saids Lords of thesaury what deductiones the pay of the petitioners regiment is to suffer upon the Countreyes account as if all the accompts of Scotland were stated and transmitted, And Seing It is very weell knowen and can easily be made appear what great soumes the petitioner expended for the Cloathing of his regiment and how for the most part and except when the petitioner got some payments which are Clearly stated in the petitioners accompt with the thesaury the petitioner subsisted either by money advanced to the officers or by provisiones out of the petitioners oun lands and grounds as also that since the disbanding therof the petitioner have raised another regiment for his majesties service Which the petitioner has Caried over to and attended personally in Flanders and ame now ready and hasting to returne to it as the petitioner has been and shall be allwayes ready and most forward to venture both life and fortune for his majesties service and the preservatione of his Government And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords In Consideratione of the premises To Recomend the petitioner effectually to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury That they may receive in the petitioners accompt of arreirs and state and Conclude the same ther being no Document wanting and order the petitioner his payment out of the fond destinat for that effect without farder Delay specially that since besides the Clearing of his accompt he was content to find Cautione above exception to refound incase the Countreys arreirs shall hapen to exhaust quherof ther appears not the least probability and that the petitioners forsaid ready payment would be very helpfull to the petitioner for his expeditione to Flanders which can no longer be delayed as the petitione bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Having Considered this petition given in to them be the above Lord Strathnaver with the petitioners Declaratione That the above arreirs are not transacted wryten upon the end of the petitione They heirby Recommend to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury to receive in the petitioners accompts and to state and Conclude the same and to order him payment of the same out of the fond destinat for that effect.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 235v-236v.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 235v-236v.