Edinburgh Tuesday the 19th March 1695
Recomendatione Anent The Toune of2 Irvines3 accompts
The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered a report of the Committie of ther oun number appointed reviseing the accompts resting be the forces to the Countrey Bearing that they having Considered the accompts given in to them as resting be his majesties forces to the inhabitants within the toune of Irvine with the instructions and verifications of the same, They Find the haill articles of the Said acompt suficiently verified and proven most part of what is furnished to the Earle of Glencairne his regiment per recepts under the hands of the officers or souldiers to whom the same was furnished and the rest to the said Earle of Glencairne his regiment be the oathes of the inhabitants furnishers And Finds what is resting by Sir John Laniers regiment which were not upon scots pay proven be the oathes of the inhabitants furnishers And Finds that the haill inhabitants of Irvine furnishers of the said accompt have deponed upon all the articles therof before two of the Commissioners of supply within the shyre of Air, That the same were furnished be them preceiding the first of February Jaj vjc nyntie One years and that ther is no part therof payed Conforme to the report upon the end of the accompt subscryved be the saids Commissioners, Which recepts accompt and report were all produced to and Considered by the said Committie conforme wherunto the Comittie Finds that ther is resting be the Earle of Glencairne his regiment of foot the soume of ane thousand and Fiftie six punds Eightein shilling scots Item by Sir John Lauder his regiment of horss the soume of nyntie six punds thrie shilling scots And the Comittie Finds that the haill articles quherof the said soumes are made up were all furnished preceiding the first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years And that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourt sessione of this Current parliament entituled act for polemony and also in the termes of the proclamations of Councill relative therto And Therfore It is the Committies opinion that the said soume of one Thousand and Fiftie six punds eightein shilling scots resting be the said Earle of Glencairne his regiment which was upon Scots pay ought to be allowed to the saids inhabitants out of the said pole money, And that they ought to be Recomended to the Lords Commissioners of their majesties thesaurie for payment of the same accordingly And the Committie are of opinion that the said soume of nyntie six punds thrie shilling scots resting be the said Sir John Laneir his regiment which was not upon scots pay ought to be transmitted to the kings majestie That he may order such Course for payment therof as he in his Royall wisdome shall think fitt as the said Report bears, The saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby approve of the above report And Recomends to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties thesaury To Cause payment be made out of the present polemoney to the saids Inhabitants of the above soume of one Thousand and Fiftie six punds Eightein shilling scots, 4 And Recomends to them to them5 to Transmitt the above soume of nyntie six punds thrie shilling scots by his majesties forces not upon scots pay to the kings majesties that he may order such course to be taken therwith as in his Royall wisdome he shall think fitt In Respect Hew Brown writer in Edinburgh has given in a Declaratione subscribed be him bearing that the areirs due to the toune of Irvine are not transacted neither in part nor in haill to the best of his knowledge
1. NRS, PC2/25, 215r-215v.
2. Illegible word scored out here.
3. Insertion.
4. The words ‘resting by his Majesties forces not upon’ scored out here.
5. Sic.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 215r-215v.
2. Illegible word scored out here.
3. Insertion.
4. The words ‘resting by his Majesties forces not upon’ scored out here.
5. Sic.