Order, 23 July 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Edinburgh Tuesday The 23d Jully 1695 ante meridiem



Recomendatione anent the Bishop of Ross his Losses

The Lords of His Majesties privy Councill having Considered a report made to them be a Committie of their oun number appointed for reviseing the accounts resting be his Majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing that the said Committie Having Considered the report of the Commissioners of Supply within the shyre of Ross upon a Complaint given in to them be Mary Gartshoar spouse to the late Bishop of Ross anent the damnadges done to the Bishope be Captaine Sleigh and Captaine Sotchills Companies and Other Companies in the Lord Strathnavers regiment They Find it suficiently proven by the depositions of witnesses taken before the saids Commissioners, That the saids Companies for mantinance of them selves and a great many horsses which were brought with them did take the haill Cornes Which grew in the Bishops presinct Viz Fourtie bolls of Wheat pease, Which the Comittie modifies to twelue pund the bolls Thrie score bolls of Barley at Eight punds per boll, and fourtie Eight bolls of Oats at Eight merk per boll Item that they took all the product of the Bishops yeard valued by the report to be at Leist ane hundreth merks Item that they made use of the inclossers of Grass hayned for mowing valued by the report to be at Least thrie hundred merks As alsoe of thrie of the Bishops best horsses which never can afterwards to his oun use valued at least to thrie hundred merks Which damnadges by report were all done in June Jully August and September Jaj vjc Eightie nyne years as the said Report bears, and In Respect the victuall for said was not all applyed for mantinance of the said Companies, But likewayes for mantinance of a great many horsses, Which horsses belonged to no troops; But were brought with the Companies Therfore the Committies oppinion Is that the half of the pryces forsaids of the said victuall and alse the wholl pryce of the product of the Bishops years be payed to the said Bishop out of the present polemoney and that it be Recomended to the Lords Commissioner of his majesties thesaury to make payment to him of the same accordingly and that the pryce of the other half of the victuall may be reckoned as Consumed by the horsses and that seing these horsses did not2 belong to any particular troops and were no part of his Majesties forces but yet were upon the publict accompt Therfore the Committies opinion Is that the pryce of that half of the victuall and also the pryce of the Other articles forsaids besides the product of the yeard be left to the kings majesties determinatione that he may order the same to be payed in such maner and out of such fonds as in his royall Wisdome he shall think fitt and that the said late Bishop be Recomended to his majestie for that effect As the said report bears The saids Lords Doe heirby approve of the said Report And Recomends to the Commissione of Parliament appointed anent the polemoney To Cause make payment to the said Late Bishop of the half of the pryces of the Victuall in the report and of the haill pryce of the product of his yeard extending altogither to the Soume of six hundred seventie six punds threttein shilling four penies scots out of the said polemoney And Leaves to the Kings majestie to determine out of what fond the pryce of the other half of the victuall and also the pryce of the other articles in the report besides the product of the yeard are to be payed and in what maner And Recomends the said late Bishop for that effect to the Kings Majestie.

Edinburgh Tuesday The 23d Jully 1695 ante meridiem



Recomendatione anent the Bishop of Ross his Losses

The Lords of His Majesties privy Councill having Considered a report made to them be a Committie of their oun number appointed for reviseing the accounts resting be his Majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing that the said Committie Having Considered the report of the Commissioners of Supply within the shyre of Ross upon a Complaint given in to them be Mary Gartshoar spouse to the late Bishop of Ross anent the damnadges done to the Bishope be Captaine Sleigh and Captaine Sotchills Companies and Other Companies in the Lord Strathnavers regiment They Find it suficiently proven by the depositions of witnesses taken before the saids Commissioners, That the saids Companies for mantinance of them selves and a great many horsses which were brought with them did take the haill Cornes Which grew in the Bishops presinct Viz Fourtie bolls of Wheat pease, Which the Comittie modifies to twelue pund the bolls Thrie score bolls of Barley at Eight punds per boll, and fourtie Eight bolls of Oats at Eight merk per boll Item that they took all the product of the Bishops yeard valued by the report to be at Leist ane hundreth merks Item that they made use of the inclossers of Grass hayned for mowing valued by the report to be at Least thrie hundred merks As alsoe of thrie of the Bishops best horsses which never can afterwards to his oun use valued at least to thrie hundred merks Which damnadges by report were all done in June Jully August and September Jaj vjc Eightie nyne years as the said Report bears, and In Respect the victuall for said was not all applyed for mantinance of the said Companies, But likewayes for mantinance of a great many horsses, Which horsses belonged to no troops; But were brought with the Companies Therfore the Committies oppinion Is that the half of the pryces forsaids of the said victuall and alse the wholl pryce of the product of the Bishops years be payed to the said Bishop out of the present polemoney and that it be Recomended to the Lords Commissioner of his majesties thesaury to make payment to him of the same accordingly and that the pryce of the other half of the victuall may be reckoned as Consumed by the horsses and that seing these horsses did not2 belong to any particular troops and were no part of his Majesties forces but yet were upon the publict accompt Therfore the Committies opinion Is that the pryce of that half of the victuall and also the pryce of the Other articles forsaids besides the product of the yeard be left to the kings majesties determinatione that he may order the same to be payed in such maner and out of such fonds as in his royall Wisdome he shall think fitt and that the said late Bishop be Recomended to his majestie for that effect As the said report bears The saids Lords Doe heirby approve of the said Report And Recomends to the Commissione of Parliament appointed anent the polemoney To Cause make payment to the said Late Bishop of the half of the pryces of the Victuall in the report and of the haill pryce of the product of his yeard extending altogither to the Soume of six hundred seventie six punds threttein shilling four penies scots out of the said polemoney And Leaves to the Kings majestie to determine out of what fond the pryce of the other half of the victuall and also the pryce of the other articles in the report besides the product of the yeard are to be payed and in what maner And Recomends the said late Bishop for that effect to the Kings Majestie.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 263r-264r.

2. Insertion.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 263r-264r.

2. Insertion.