Order, 25 July 1695 (pm), Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

[25 July 1695] Eodem Die Post Meridiem



Recomendation anent accompts In favors of the Westerne Division of Ross shyre

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered the report of a Committie of ther oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing Considered the report of the Commissioners of supply within the shyre of Ross proceiding upon ane act and Commission granted be the Lords of his majesties privy Councill to them of the date the thretie of December Jaj vjc nyntie years with ane accompt drawen off the said report They Find that ther are severall articles in the said report and accompt drawen of the same which by the act of parliament anent the polemoney, And proclamations of Councill relative therto are not to be allowed out of the said polemoney And Therfore they have refused and rejected these articles And Finding that some of the articles of the said report and accompt drawen of the same were wrong in the Calcule Therfore they have made a right Calcule of these articles and have stated them as they are now right Calculate And Finding that ther were severall articles stated as resting to the Viscount of Tarbat and his tenants They at the Desyre of the Viscount himself did delite all these articles In Respect he Declared that he hade retained the Herth money payable out of his lands for payment of the soumes in these articles and protested that if at any time hereafter the said hearthmoney shall be exacted then he shall have liberty to state and Craved payment of these articles albeit the time for ingiveing the accompts should be then elapsed seing the same has been once timeously given in And Finds that Conforme to the reports and accompts drawen of the same Ther is resting by his majesties forces upon scots pay and be the Garisones afterspecified which Consisted all of forces upon scots pay to the heritors tenents and other inhabitants within the western division of the said shire of Ross besides the articles refused rejected or past frae as said is The Soumes following Viz by the Lord Strathnaver his regiment of foot the Sum of ane thousand seven hundreth and six punds fourtein shilling five penies scots Item by the Laird of Grant his regiment of foot the sum of Two hundreth and fourty two punds thretein shilling four penies Item by the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragoons the soume of twenty Eight punds five shilling ten penies scots Item by the Lord Yester and Major Stewarts troops the sum of Fiftie two punds Eight shilling scots Item by the Viscount Kenmuir his regiment of foot the sum of sixtie one punds two shilling thrie penies scots Item by Coll Richard Cuninghame his regiment of foot the sum of sixtie one punds two shilling thrie pennies scots Item by the Garison of Barhane the sum of Two hundreth and fourtie four punds twelue shilling Eight penies scots Item by the Garison of Castleod the sum of Two hundreth and sixtie five punds one shilling four penies scots Extending the haill sums forsaids resting by his majesties forces upon scots pay and be the Garison forsaids Which Consisted all of forces upon scots pay to the heritors tenents and other inhabitants within the western division of the said shyre of Ross are Contained in the report of the saids Commissioners to the sum of two thousand six hundred and sixtie two punds one shilling scots money and the Committie Finds it suficiently proven by the attested Copie of a precept under the hand of Captain Monro of Faiollis younger in the Lord Strathnavers regiment that besides the soumes forsaid in the report Extending as said is Ther is resting by the Lord Strathnaver his regiment of foot to the magistrats of Dingwall the Sum of Fourscore sixtein punds scots money forsaid And Finds that the articles forsaids allowed by the Committie and stated in the Commissioners report and also the articles to the magistrats of Dingwall were all furnished preceiding the first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years and that they are all in the termes of the nynth act Fourth session of this Current parliament intitulled act for polemoney and also of the proclamationes of Councill relative therto And Therfore it is the Commities opinion that the heritors and tenents within the western divisione of the said shyre of Ross are to be Recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury for payment of the said soumes of Two thousand six hundreth and sixtie two punds one penie scots out of the present poll money And that the magistrats of Dingwall are to be recomended to the Lords Commissioners for payment to them of the said Fourscore sixtein punds scots out of the same polemoney And Finds that there is resting be Sir Thomas Livingstoune his regiment of Dragoons quhich wes not upon scots pay to the heritors tenents and inhabitants forsaids the sum of Threttie punds scots and it is ther opinion that this is to be transmitted to the kings majestie that he may order such Course to be taken theranent as in his Royall wisdome shall think fitt and the Committie Finds by the said report of the Commissioners of Ross shyre that ther weer furnished be the heritors tenents and other inhabitants within the westerne division of the said shyre to the magizan at Inverness preceiding the first of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years Corne and straw extending to the soume of nyne hundreth fiftie six punds 14S i0d scots and to the said magizin and the said deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragoons Corne and straw preceiding the said day extending to the soume of six hundreth thretie nyne pund four shilling Eight penies scots And they leave to his majesties privy Councill to determine how thir Last two sums are to be payed and out of what Fond as the said report bears The saids Lords Doe heirby Recommend to the Commissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney to Cause make payment to the saids heritors tenents and inhabitants of the said Division of the above sum of Two Thousand six hundred sixtie two punds one shilling scots as resting be his majesties forces and Garisones upon scots pay and that out of the polemoney Deduceing from the said sum the sums following Viz Two hundreth fiftie four punds twelue shilling Eight penies scots furnished to the Garisone of Brahan and two hundred sixtie five pound one shilling four penies furnished to the Garison of Castleod Which two sums the Councill refuses to allow untill it be Condescended upon and proven what scots forces were in these Garisones and how much was furnished to each regiment or troop And Recomends to the saids Commissioners of parliament To Cause make payment to the magistrats of Dingwall of the above sum of Fourscore sixtein punds scots resting by the Lord Strathnavers regiment to them and that out of the said pole-money and appoints the above soume of Thretie punds resting be Sir Thomas Livingstons regiment quhich wes not upon such Course to be taken therwith as in his Royall pleasure he shall think fitt, And as to the sum of nyne hundreth Fiftie six punds fourtein shilling for Corne and Straw furnished to the Magazine of Inverness The Councill Reserves action against the magazin keeper for the same as accords, And as to the sum of six hundreth fourscore thretein punds four shilling Eight penies for corne and straw furnished to the said magizen and the deceast Lord Cardross his troop without division the Councill superceids to give answer untill ther proportiones be particularlie Condescended on.

[25 July 1695] Eodem Die Post Meridiem



Recomendation anent accompts In favors of the Westerne Division of Ross shyre

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered the report of a Committie of ther oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing Considered the report of the Commissioners of supply within the shyre of Ross proceiding upon ane act and Commission granted be the Lords of his majesties privy Councill to them of the date the thretie of December Jaj vjc nyntie years with ane accompt drawen off the said report They Find that ther are severall articles in the said report and accompt drawen of the same which by the act of parliament anent the polemoney, And proclamations of Councill relative therto are not to be allowed out of the said polemoney And Therfore they have refused and rejected these articles And Finding that some of the articles of the said report and accompt drawen of the same were wrong in the Calcule Therfore they have made a right Calcule of these articles and have stated them as they are now right Calculate And Finding that ther were severall articles stated as resting to the Viscount of Tarbat and his tenants They at the Desyre of the Viscount himself did delite all these articles In Respect he Declared that he hade retained the Herth money payable out of his lands for payment of the soumes in these articles and protested that if at any time hereafter the said hearthmoney shall be exacted then he shall have liberty to state and Craved payment of these articles albeit the time for ingiveing the accompts should be then elapsed seing the same has been once timeously given in And Finds that Conforme to the reports and accompts drawen of the same Ther is resting by his majesties forces upon scots pay and be the Garisones afterspecified which Consisted all of forces upon scots pay to the heritors tenents and other inhabitants within the western division of the said shire of Ross besides the articles refused rejected or past frae as said is The Soumes following Viz by the Lord Strathnaver his regiment of foot the Sum of ane thousand seven hundreth and six punds fourtein shilling five penies scots Item by the Laird of Grant his regiment of foot the sum of Two hundreth and fourty two punds thretein shilling four penies Item by the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragoons the soume of twenty Eight punds five shilling ten penies scots Item by the Lord Yester and Major Stewarts troops the sum of Fiftie two punds Eight shilling scots Item by the Viscount Kenmuir his regiment of foot the sum of sixtie one punds two shilling thrie penies scots Item by Coll Richard Cuninghame his regiment of foot the sum of sixtie one punds two shilling thrie pennies scots Item by the Garison of Barhane the sum of Two hundreth and fourtie four punds twelue shilling Eight penies scots Item by the Garison of Castleod the sum of Two hundreth and sixtie five punds one shilling four penies scots Extending the haill sums forsaids resting by his majesties forces upon scots pay and be the Garison forsaids Which Consisted all of forces upon scots pay to the heritors tenents and other inhabitants within the western division of the said shyre of Ross are Contained in the report of the saids Commissioners to the sum of two thousand six hundred and sixtie two punds one shilling scots money and the Committie Finds it suficiently proven by the attested Copie of a precept under the hand of Captain Monro of Faiollis younger in the Lord Strathnavers regiment that besides the soumes forsaid in the report Extending as said is Ther is resting by the Lord Strathnaver his regiment of foot to the magistrats of Dingwall the Sum of Fourscore sixtein punds scots money forsaid And Finds that the articles forsaids allowed by the Committie and stated in the Commissioners report and also the articles to the magistrats of Dingwall were all furnished preceiding the first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years and that they are all in the termes of the nynth act Fourth session of this Current parliament intitulled act for polemoney and also of the proclamationes of Councill relative therto And Therfore it is the Commities opinion that the heritors and tenents within the western divisione of the said shyre of Ross are to be Recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury for payment of the said soumes of Two thousand six hundreth and sixtie two punds one penie scots out of the present poll money And that the magistrats of Dingwall are to be recomended to the Lords Commissioners for payment to them of the said Fourscore sixtein punds scots out of the same polemoney And Finds that there is resting be Sir Thomas Livingstoune his regiment of Dragoons quhich wes not upon scots pay to the heritors tenents and inhabitants forsaids the sum of Threttie punds scots and it is ther opinion that this is to be transmitted to the kings majestie that he may order such Course to be taken theranent as in his Royall wisdome shall think fitt and the Committie Finds by the said report of the Commissioners of Ross shyre that ther weer furnished be the heritors tenents and other inhabitants within the westerne division of the said shyre to the magizan at Inverness preceiding the first of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years Corne and straw extending to the soume of nyne hundreth fiftie six punds 14S i0d scots and to the said magizin and the said deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragoons Corne and straw preceiding the said day extending to the soume of six hundreth thretie nyne pund four shilling Eight penies scots And they leave to his majesties privy Councill to determine how thir Last two sums are to be payed and out of what Fond as the said report bears The saids Lords Doe heirby Recommend to the Commissioners of parliament appointed anent the polemoney to Cause make payment to the saids heritors tenents and inhabitants of the said Division of the above sum of Two Thousand six hundred sixtie two punds one shilling scots as resting be his majesties forces and Garisones upon scots pay and that out of the polemoney Deduceing from the said sum the sums following Viz Two hundreth fiftie four punds twelue shilling Eight penies scots furnished to the Garisone of Brahan and two hundred sixtie five pound one shilling four penies furnished to the Garison of Castleod Which two sums the Councill refuses to allow untill it be Condescended upon and proven what scots forces were in these Garisones and how much was furnished to each regiment or troop And Recomends to the saids Commissioners of parliament To Cause make payment to the magistrats of Dingwall of the above sum of Fourscore sixtein punds scots resting by the Lord Strathnavers regiment to them and that out of the said pole-money and appoints the above soume of Thretie punds resting be Sir Thomas Livingstons regiment quhich wes not upon such Course to be taken therwith as in his Royall pleasure he shall think fitt, And as to the sum of nyne hundreth Fiftie six punds fourtein shilling for Corne and Straw furnished to the Magazine of Inverness The Councill Reserves action against the magazin keeper for the same as accords, And as to the sum of six hundreth fourscore thretein punds four shilling Eight penies for corne and straw furnished to the said magizen and the deceast Lord Cardross his troop without division the Councill superceids to give answer untill ther proportiones be particularlie Condescended on.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 319r-320r.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 319r-320r.