Order, 25 July 1695 (pm), Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

[25 July 1695] Eodem Die Post Meridiem



Recomendation anent acomptts In favors of the Laird of Dumbarnie and heritors of the paroch

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered the report of a Committie of ther oun number appointed for reviseing the accomptts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing That the Comittie having Considered the accompts given in to them as resting by his majesties forces to the Laird of Dumbarnie and other heritors within the parish of Dumbarnie togither with the instructions and verifications of the saids accomptts They Find the haill articles of the saids accompts suficiently verified and proven partly by recepts under the hands of the officers or souldiers to whom the same was furnished and partly by the oathes and depositiones of the persones furnishers of the saids accompts Conforme to the Commissioners of supply within the shyre of Pearth ther report, Which recepts and report were produced to and Considered be the said Comittie But Finds that ther are some articles in the saids accompt quhich are not in the termes of the act of parliament anent polemoney and proclamationes of Councill relative therto and Therfore they have rejected and refuse these articles And Finds that Conforme to the saids recepts and report ther is resting to the said Laird of Dumbarnie and other heritors within the forsaid parish by his majesties forces as they are stated in regiments and troops in maner after sett doune (besides the articles refused and rejected as said is) The sums Following Viz by the Earle of Eglingtoune his troop of horss the sum of thrie hundreth and twelue punds scots Item by the Earle of Argyll his regiment of foot the sum of ane hundreth and six punds five shilling scots Item by the Lord Beilhavens troop of horss one pund ten shilling scots Item by the deceast Lord Angus his regiment of foot the sum of nyntie punds Eightein shilling scots Item by the Lord Rollo his troop of horss four punds scots Item by the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragoons six pund thretein shilling four penies scots Extending the haill sums forsaids resting by his majesties forces upon scots pay to the sum of five hundred and twentie one punds six shilling four penies scots and the Committie Finds that the haill articles quherof the said totall sum is made up with all furnished preceiding the first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years And that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth sessione of this Curent parliament Intitulled act for pole money and also of the proclamationes of Councill relative therto And Therfore Its the Commities opinion that the said sum of Five hundreth and twentie one punds six shilling four penies scots Is to be payed out of the present pole money And that the said Laird of Dunbarnie and other heritors within the parish forsaid are to be recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly And the Committie Finds that besides the articles forsaids ther is resting by Major Rollo in the Earle of Argylls regiment to the said Laird of Dumbarnie the Soume of thriescore twelue punds scots money And in Respect It does not appear that this sum was applyed for the use of the regiment Therfore they give ther opinion that this soume Is not to be payed out of the present polemoney among the accompts resting by the forces to the Countrey But It is ther opinion That if ther by any arreirs found resting to the said Major Rollo out of the polemoney after the debts resting by the forces to the Countrey is payed furth therof then that the said sum is to be Recomended to the saids Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury for payment of the same furth of the saids arreirs. As the said report bears The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill Doe heirby approve of the said report and Recomends to the Commissioners of parliament appointed anent the polmoney To Cause pay to the Laird of Dumbarnie and other heritors the above sum of five hundred twentie one pund six shilling four penies scots as resting be his majesties forces upon scots pay to them and that out of the said polemoney and Recomends to the saids Commissioners to retaine as much of the pay due to Major Rollo if any be resting as will satisfie the above soume of Thriescore twelue punds due by him to the said Laird of Dumbarny and to make payment to Dumbarnie of the samen.

[25 July 1695] Eodem Die Post Meridiem



Recomendation anent acomptts In favors of the Laird of Dumbarnie and heritors of the paroch

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered the report of a Committie of ther oun number appointed for reviseing the accomptts resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing That the Comittie having Considered the accompts given in to them as resting by his majesties forces to the Laird of Dumbarnie and other heritors within the parish of Dumbarnie togither with the instructions and verifications of the saids accomptts They Find the haill articles of the saids accompts suficiently verified and proven partly by recepts under the hands of the officers or souldiers to whom the same was furnished and partly by the oathes and depositiones of the persones furnishers of the saids accompts Conforme to the Commissioners of supply within the shyre of Pearth ther report, Which recepts and report were produced to and Considered be the said Comittie But Finds that ther are some articles in the saids accompt quhich are not in the termes of the act of parliament anent polemoney and proclamationes of Councill relative therto and Therfore they have rejected and refuse these articles And Finds that Conforme to the saids recepts and report ther is resting to the said Laird of Dumbarnie and other heritors within the forsaid parish by his majesties forces as they are stated in regiments and troops in maner after sett doune (besides the articles refused and rejected as said is) The sums Following Viz by the Earle of Eglingtoune his troop of horss the sum of thrie hundreth and twelue punds scots Item by the Earle of Argyll his regiment of foot the sum of ane hundreth and six punds five shilling scots Item by the Lord Beilhavens troop of horss one pund ten shilling scots Item by the deceast Lord Angus his regiment of foot the sum of nyntie punds Eightein shilling scots Item by the Lord Rollo his troop of horss four punds scots Item by the deceast Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragoons six pund thretein shilling four penies scots Extending the haill sums forsaids resting by his majesties forces upon scots pay to the sum of five hundred and twentie one punds six shilling four penies scots and the Committie Finds that the haill articles quherof the said totall sum is made up with all furnished preceiding the first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years And that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth sessione of this Curent parliament Intitulled act for pole money and also of the proclamationes of Councill relative therto And Therfore Its the Commities opinion that the said sum of Five hundreth and twentie one punds six shilling four penies scots Is to be payed out of the present pole money And that the said Laird of Dunbarnie and other heritors within the parish forsaid are to be recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly And the Committie Finds that besides the articles forsaids ther is resting by Major Rollo in the Earle of Argylls regiment to the said Laird of Dumbarnie the Soume of thriescore twelue punds scots money And in Respect It does not appear that this sum was applyed for the use of the regiment Therfore they give ther opinion that this soume Is not to be payed out of the present polemoney among the accompts resting by the forces to the Countrey But It is ther opinion That if ther by any arreirs found resting to the said Major Rollo out of the polemoney after the debts resting by the forces to the Countrey is payed furth therof then that the said sum is to be Recomended to the saids Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury for payment of the same furth of the saids arreirs. As the said report bears The saids Lords of his majesties privy Councill Doe heirby approve of the said report and Recomends to the Commissioners of parliament appointed anent the polmoney To Cause pay to the Laird of Dumbarnie and other heritors the above sum of five hundred twentie one pund six shilling four penies scots as resting be his majesties forces upon scots pay to them and that out of the said polemoney and Recomends to the saids Commissioners to retaine as much of the pay due to Major Rollo if any be resting as will satisfie the above soume of Thriescore twelue punds due by him to the said Laird of Dumbarny and to make payment to Dumbarnie of the samen.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 322r-322v.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 322r-322v.