Order, 25 July 1695 (pm), Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

[25 July 1695] Eodem Die Post Meridiem



Recomendation anent acomptts In favors of The paroches of St Ninian, Kipen and in Stirling shyre

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered the report of a Committie of their oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts 2 resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing That the Comittie having Considered the accompts given in to them as resting by his majesties forces to the Inhabitants within the paroches of St Ninians, Kippon Gorgonockk Logie, Airth and places adjacent in the shyre of Stirling with the instructiones and verificationes therof They Find that ther are severall articles in the saids accompts stated above the rates allowed be the Lords of privy Councill And Therfore they have restricted these articles to the Councills rates, and Finds that ther are severall articles in these accompts which are wrong in the Calcul of the sums and therfore they have Caused amend these soumes and stated them according as they are now rightly Calculat and Finds that ther are severall articles stated in thir accompts as resting to […] Glass of Sauchie and his tenents Which articles being stated in a district accompt by themselves are allready revised by the Committie And Therfore they have omitted these articles out of this report, and Finds that ther was ane accompt for Cuningham of Buchans tenents which is now taken up to be put in ordor Conforme to the method prescrybed by the Councills proclamatione of the date the last day of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie four years and Therfore they have made no report as to that accompt but leaves the same to be revised and reported when returned and the Committie Finds the haill articles of the saids accompts (so farr as now reported) suficiently verified and proven partly by recepts oblidgments or subscribed accomptts under the hands of the officers or souldiers themselves and partly by the deposition of the inhabitants themselves Conforme to the ample and distinct report of the Commissioners of Suply within the shyre of Stirling more particularly after exprest and partly both be recepts obleisments or subscribed accompts under the hands of the officers or souldiers and by the Depositions of the saids Inhabitants, and by the said ample and distinct Report written upon the last page of the book of thir accompts every page of which book Is subscryved by two of the saids3 Commissioners of supply and quhich report bears That the haill tenents and inhabitants within the parishes and places forsaids mentioned in and sett doune in the said book of acomptts Compared before the saids Comissioners and deponed that the haill articles in the saids accompts were truly furnished be them to the regiments Companies and troops as they are sett doune in the accompts and are yet truely resting to them and does not exceid two thirds of their pay And that the Soumes in the tickets on recepts are also truely resting as the said report dated the twelth day of november Jaj vjc nyntie years at more length bears, and the Committie Finds that (besides the accompts resting to the Lairds of Sauchie and Buchquhans tenents quhich are not heir reported) Ther are still resting unpayed by their majesties upon scots pay to the Inhabitants within the paroches and places forsaid The sums following as they are stated upon regiments or troops in maner underwritten viz by the Lord Blantyre his regiment of foot the sum of Four hundreth thrie score thretein punds sixtein shilling two penies scots money Item by the Lord Angus his regiment of foot the sum of two hundreth and fourty nyne punds Eleven shilling Eight penies Scots Item by the Earle of Glencairne his regiment of foot the sum of Thrie hundreth and tuenty Eight pund Item by the Earle of Argyll his regiment of foot the sum of Four hundreth and twentie six punds two shilling scots Item by the Viscount of Kenmure his regiment of foot the soume of nyntie six punds four shilling four penies scots Item by the Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragoons the soume of Fyve hundreth and Fourtie nyne punds twelue shilling scots Item by the Laird of Grubit his troop of horss the sume of one thousand six hundred and twenty four punds Eightein shilling scots Item by the Lord Rollo his regiment of horss one pund Eight shilling Item by the Lord Beilhavens troop two pund seven shilling Item by the Lord Elphingtons troop the sum of ane hundreth and nyntein punds twelue shilling scots Item by the Lord Newbotles troop of horss the sum of two hundreth seventie four punds nyne shilling scots Item by the Laird of Pollock his troop of horss the sum of one hundreth nyntie one pund five shilling scots Item by the Master of Polwarths troop of horss the four punds scots Item by Captain Burnets troop of horss the sum of seventie two punds scots Item by the Lord Ross troop of horss the sum of one hundred and fiftie Eight punds ten shilling scots Idem by the Earl of Eglingtounes troop of horss the sum of one hundreth seventie four punds fiftein shilling scots Item by the Garison of Drumakil the sum of Fourtie seven punds two shilling scots Extending the haill sums forsaids resting be the forces upon scots pay to the sum of Four thousand seven hundred and Fourscore thretein punds twelue shilling two penies scots money And the Committie Finds that the haill articles quherof this totall soum is made up were all furnished preceiding the first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years and that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth session of this Curent parliament Intitulled act for polemoney and of the proclamatione of Councill of the date the last day of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie four relative therto And Therfore Its the Committies opinion That the said sum of Four Thousand seven hundreth and Fourscore thretein punds twelue shilling two penies scots Is to be forsaids out of the said polemoney And that they are to Recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly, And the Committie Finds that ther is resting be his majesties forces, which are not upon scots pay to the inhabitants within the paroshes and places forsaids the sums following Viz by Major Generall Mckay his regiment of foot the sum of Fourscore sixtein punds nyntein shilling scots Item by Collonel Ramsay his regiment of foot Eightie two pund one shilling Item by Collonell Lauders regiment of foot nyne punds scots Item by Coll Lesslies regiment of foot thretie two punds Eight shilling scots Item by the Lord Balgunries regiment of foot two pund Eight shilling scots Item by the Earle of Leven his regiment of foot one pund sixtein shilling scots Item by the Lord Collchesters regiment of horss the sum twenty nyne punds scots Item by Coll Hayfoords regiment of Dragoons the sum of Twentie Seven punds scots Item by Sir Thomas Livingstons regiment of Dragoons the sum of one hundreth and threty punds scots Extending altogither the haill saids sums due be the forces upon scots pay to the sum of Four hundreth and ten pund twelue shilling scot And the Committie Finds that the haill articles quherof this Last sum is made up were all furnished preceiding the first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years and are all in the termes of the forsaid act of parliament and proclamationes of privy Councill and it is their opinion that this Last sum should be transmitted to his Royall majestie That he may order such Course to be taken therwith as in his Royall wisdom he shall think fitt as the said report bears The saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby approve therof and Recomends to the Commissioners appointed anent the polemoney to Cause pay to the saids inhabitants within the parishes forsaids the sum of Four Thousand seven hundred Fourscore thretein punds twelue shilling two penies scots money in the said report as resting be his majesties forces upon scots pay to them and that out of the said polemoney, And appoints the sum of Four hundred and ten punds twelue shilling scots stated in the report as resting by his majesties forces which were not upon scots pay to be transmitted to his majestie that his may order such Course to be taken quherwith as in his Royall wisdome he shall think fitt

[25 July 1695] Eodem Die Post Meridiem



Recomendation anent acomptts In favors of The paroches of St Ninian, Kipen and in Stirling shyre

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered the report of a Committie of their oun number appointed for reviseing the accompts 2 resting be his majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing That the Comittie having Considered the accompts given in to them as resting by his majesties forces to the Inhabitants within the paroches of St Ninians, Kippon Gorgonockk Logie, Airth and places adjacent in the shyre of Stirling with the instructiones and verificationes therof They Find that ther are severall articles in the saids accompts stated above the rates allowed be the Lords of privy Councill And Therfore they have restricted these articles to the Councills rates, and Finds that ther are severall articles in these accompts which are wrong in the Calcul of the sums and therfore they have Caused amend these soumes and stated them according as they are now rightly Calculat and Finds that ther are severall articles stated in thir accompts as resting to […] Glass of Sauchie and his tenents Which articles being stated in a district accompt by themselves are allready revised by the Committie And Therfore they have omitted these articles out of this report, and Finds that ther was ane accompt for Cuningham of Buchans tenents which is now taken up to be put in ordor Conforme to the method prescrybed by the Councills proclamatione of the date the last day of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie four years and Therfore they have made no report as to that accompt but leaves the same to be revised and reported when returned and the Committie Finds the haill articles of the saids accompts (so farr as now reported) suficiently verified and proven partly by recepts oblidgments or subscribed accomptts under the hands of the officers or souldiers themselves and partly by the deposition of the inhabitants themselves Conforme to the ample and distinct report of the Commissioners of Suply within the shyre of Stirling more particularly after exprest and partly both be recepts obleisments or subscribed accompts under the hands of the officers or souldiers and by the Depositions of the saids Inhabitants, and by the said ample and distinct Report written upon the last page of the book of thir accompts every page of which book Is subscryved by two of the saids3 Commissioners of supply and quhich report bears That the haill tenents and inhabitants within the parishes and places forsaids mentioned in and sett doune in the said book of acomptts Compared before the saids Comissioners and deponed that the haill articles in the saids accompts were truly furnished be them to the regiments Companies and troops as they are sett doune in the accompts and are yet truely resting to them and does not exceid two thirds of their pay And that the Soumes in the tickets on recepts are also truely resting as the said report dated the twelth day of november Jaj vjc nyntie years at more length bears, and the Committie Finds that (besides the accompts resting to the Lairds of Sauchie and Buchquhans tenents quhich are not heir reported) Ther are still resting unpayed by their majesties upon scots pay to the Inhabitants within the paroches and places forsaid The sums following as they are stated upon regiments or troops in maner underwritten viz by the Lord Blantyre his regiment of foot the sum of Four hundreth thrie score thretein punds sixtein shilling two penies scots money Item by the Lord Angus his regiment of foot the sum of two hundreth and fourty nyne punds Eleven shilling Eight penies Scots Item by the Earle of Glencairne his regiment of foot the sum of Thrie hundreth and tuenty Eight pund Item by the Earle of Argyll his regiment of foot the sum of Four hundreth and twentie six punds two shilling scots Item by the Viscount of Kenmure his regiment of foot the soume of nyntie six punds four shilling four penies scots Item by the Lord Cardross his regiment of Dragoons the soume of Fyve hundreth and Fourtie nyne punds twelue shilling scots Item by the Laird of Grubit his troop of horss the sume of one thousand six hundred and twenty four punds Eightein shilling scots Item by the Lord Rollo his regiment of horss one pund Eight shilling Item by the Lord Beilhavens troop two pund seven shilling Item by the Lord Elphingtons troop the sum of ane hundreth and nyntein punds twelue shilling scots Item by the Lord Newbotles troop of horss the sum of two hundreth seventie four punds nyne shilling scots Item by the Laird of Pollock his troop of horss the sum of one hundreth nyntie one pund five shilling scots Item by the Master of Polwarths troop of horss the four punds scots Item by Captain Burnets troop of horss the sum of seventie two punds scots Item by the Lord Ross troop of horss the sum of one hundred and fiftie Eight punds ten shilling scots Idem by the Earl of Eglingtounes troop of horss the sum of one hundreth seventie four punds fiftein shilling scots Item by the Garison of Drumakil the sum of Fourtie seven punds two shilling scots Extending the haill sums forsaids resting be the forces upon scots pay to the sum of Four thousand seven hundred and Fourscore thretein punds twelue shilling two penies scots money And the Committie Finds that the haill articles quherof this totall soum is made up were all furnished preceiding the first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years and that they are all in the termes of the nynth act fourth session of this Curent parliament Intitulled act for polemoney and of the proclamatione of Councill of the date the last day of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie four relative therto And Therfore Its the Committies opinion That the said sum of Four Thousand seven hundreth and Fourscore thretein punds twelue shilling two penies scots Is to be forsaids out of the said polemoney And that they are to Recomended to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties thesaury for payment of the same accordingly, And the Committie Finds that ther is resting be his majesties forces, which are not upon scots pay to the inhabitants within the paroshes and places forsaids the sums following Viz by Major Generall Mckay his regiment of foot the sum of Fourscore sixtein punds nyntein shilling scots Item by Collonel Ramsay his regiment of foot Eightie two pund one shilling Item by Collonell Lauders regiment of foot nyne punds scots Item by Coll Lesslies regiment of foot thretie two punds Eight shilling scots Item by the Lord Balgunries regiment of foot two pund Eight shilling scots Item by the Earle of Leven his regiment of foot one pund sixtein shilling scots Item by the Lord Collchesters regiment of horss the sum twenty nyne punds scots Item by Coll Hayfoords regiment of Dragoons the sum of Twentie Seven punds scots Item by Sir Thomas Livingstons regiment of Dragoons the sum of one hundreth and threty punds scots Extending altogither the haill saids sums due be the forces upon scots pay to the sum of Four hundreth and ten pund twelue shilling scot And the Committie Finds that the haill articles quherof this Last sum is made up were all furnished preceiding the first day of February Jaj vjc nyntie one years and are all in the termes of the forsaid act of parliament and proclamationes of privy Councill and it is their opinion that this Last sum should be transmitted to his Royall majestie That he may order such Course to be taken therwith as in his Royall wisdom he shall think fitt as the said report bears The saids Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby approve therof and Recomends to the Commissioners appointed anent the polemoney to Cause pay to the saids inhabitants within the parishes forsaids the sum of Four Thousand seven hundred Fourscore thretein punds twelue shilling two penies scots money in the said report as resting be his majesties forces upon scots pay to them and that out of the said polemoney, And appoints the sum of Four hundred and ten punds twelue shilling scots stated in the report as resting by his majesties forces which were not upon scots pay to be transmitted to his majestie that his may order such Course to be taken quherwith as in his Royall wisdome he shall think fitt

1. NRS, PC2/25, 323v-324v.

2. The words ‘given in to them as’ scored out here.

3. Insertion.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 323v-324v.

2. The words ‘given in to them as’ scored out here.

3. Insertion.