Proclamation, 2 January 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh weddensday 2d January 1695



Proclamatione for a nationall humiliatione

The Commissioner of the Generall assemblie of this Kirk haveing by two ministers and two ruleing elders of their number adressed the Councill That a solemne day of humiliatione may be appoynted throughout this Kingdome for condoleing the said Calamitie to this natione and Church in removeal of the Queens majestie by death The proclamatione was furthwith prepared and being read was approven and signed and ordored to be recorded whereof the tenor followeth A Proclamatione for a national humiliatione upon the account of the Queens death William by the Grace of God King of great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith To macers of our privy Councill messengers at armes our shirriffs in that part conjunctly and severally specially constitut greeting Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God to visite us and our people with the sadd and never enough to be lamented loss of our dear Consort and their Gracious soveraigne Queen Mary And that in such a Calamitie it becomes us and them to be deeplie humbled before the Lord to obtaine his pardone and peace and gratious favour and assistance for our support and releiff and that the ministers and brethren of the Commissione of the late Generall Assemblie have address’d the Lords of our privy Councill That a day may be solemnlie set apairt for that effect Therefore we with advyce of the Lords of our privy Councill have thought fitt to appoynt the eight day of January instant for the toune of Edinburgh and the three Lothians and the fyfteen day of the said moneth for all on this syde of the River of Tay and the tuentie second day of the said moneth of Januarie instant through all the rest of the Kingdome to be keeped as solemn dayes of deep humiliatione and fasting by prayer preaching and other sacred exercises and a most strict sursease from all ordinary imployments and handy labour to the effect that by the humble and earnest confessione of our sins to God we may obtaine his pardone and peace and his face and favour graciouslie reconsiled to us and our people and that it may please him more especiallie to comfort and support us and to preserve our persone for the good of his people and of the whole protestant interest and to bless us and our Goverment with such aide Countenance and assistance as may best contribute to the same our will is Herfore and we charge you strictlie and Command That incontinent these our letters seen ye pass to the marcat Cross of Edinburgh and remanent marcat Crosses of the whole head burghs of the severall shyres within this Kingdome and of the stueartries of Kirkcudbright Annandale and Orcknay and there in our name and authoritie make publicatione hereof That none may pretend ignorance And ordaines our Sollicitor to cause send printed Coppies hereof to the shirriffs of the severall shyres and stuearts of the severall stueartries foresaid whom we ordaine to see the same published and appoynts them to send doubles thereof to all the ministers both in Churches and meeting houses within their respective jurisdictions That upon the Lords day immediatlie preciding the said dayes respective abovementioned The same may be intimate and read in every paroch Church and meeting house certifieing all such who shall contemne or neglect so religious and important a duetie as the humiliation hereby appoynted is they shall be proceeded against and punished as contemners of our authoritie and as highlie disaffected to our persone and Goverment and ordains these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the second day of January and of our Reigne the 6th year 1695 sic subscribitur Annandale P Argyle Southerland Morton Cassills Lothian Forfar Breadalbane Tarbatt Raith Carmichaell James Stueart Adam Cockburne F Montgomrie

At Edinburgh weddensday 2d January 1695



Proclamatione for a nationall humiliatione

The Commissioner of the Generall assemblie of this Kirk haveing by two ministers and two ruleing elders of their number adressed the Councill That a solemne day of humiliatione may be appoynted throughout this Kingdome for condoleing the said Calamitie to this natione and Church in removeal of the Queens majestie by death The proclamatione was furthwith prepared and being read was approven and signed and ordored to be recorded whereof the tenor followeth A Proclamatione for a national humiliatione upon the account of the Queens death William by the Grace of God King of great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith To macers of our privy Councill messengers at armes our shirriffs in that part conjunctly and severally specially constitut greeting Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God to visite us and our people with the sadd and never enough to be lamented loss of our dear Consort and their Gracious soveraigne Queen Mary And that in such a Calamitie it becomes us and them to be deeplie humbled before the Lord to obtaine his pardone and peace and gratious favour and assistance for our support and releiff and that the ministers and brethren of the Commissione of the late Generall Assemblie have address’d the Lords of our privy Councill That a day may be solemnlie set apairt for that effect Therefore we with advyce of the Lords of our privy Councill have thought fitt to appoynt the eight day of January instant for the toune of Edinburgh and the three Lothians and the fyfteen day of the said moneth for all on this syde of the River of Tay and the tuentie second day of the said moneth of Januarie instant through all the rest of the Kingdome to be keeped as solemn dayes of deep humiliatione and fasting by prayer preaching and other sacred exercises and a most strict sursease from all ordinary imployments and handy labour to the effect that by the humble and earnest confessione of our sins to God we may obtaine his pardone and peace and his face and favour graciouslie reconsiled to us and our people and that it may please him more especiallie to comfort and support us and to preserve our persone for the good of his people and of the whole protestant interest and to bless us and our Goverment with such aide Countenance and assistance as may best contribute to the same our will is Herfore and we charge you strictlie and Command That incontinent these our letters seen ye pass to the marcat Cross of Edinburgh and remanent marcat Crosses of the whole head burghs of the severall shyres within this Kingdome and of the stueartries of Kirkcudbright Annandale and Orcknay and there in our name and authoritie make publicatione hereof That none may pretend ignorance And ordaines our Sollicitor to cause send printed Coppies hereof to the shirriffs of the severall shyres and stuearts of the severall stueartries foresaid whom we ordaine to see the same published and appoynts them to send doubles thereof to all the ministers both in Churches and meeting houses within their respective jurisdictions That upon the Lords day immediatlie preciding the said dayes respective abovementioned The same may be intimate and read in every paroch Church and meeting house certifieing all such who shall contemne or neglect so religious and important a duetie as the humiliation hereby appoynted is they shall be proceeded against and punished as contemners of our authoritie and as highlie disaffected to our persone and Goverment and ordains these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the second day of January and of our Reigne the 6th year 1695 sic subscribitur Annandale P Argyle Southerland Morton Cassills Lothian Forfar Breadalbane Tarbatt Raith Carmichaell James Stueart Adam Cockburne F Montgomrie

1. NRS, PC1/50, 89-91.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 89-91.