Proclamation, 26 February 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh the tuentie sext day of Februarie Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Proclamatione indemnifieing Desertors

The following proclamatione being also read, approven and signed was ordered to be recorded whereof the tenor followeth Proclamatione indemnifieing desertors and declareing what passes will be sufficient William by the grace of God King of Great Brittaine France and Ireland Defender of our faith To […] macers of our privy Councill or messingers at armes our shirriffs in that part conjunctly and severly speciallie Constitut greeting Forasmuchas we Have allowed and ordained That all desertors from our Regiments in Flanders, since there being there, be seized as Desertors by our officers lately come from Flanders for recruits, as also That such of these desertors who engadged in any of our Regiments abiding in Scotland to be delyvered to the said officers to be transported againe to Flanders and least the foresaid Desertors may apprehend that they may be still be lyable to punishment as Desertors Therfore we with advyce of the Lords of our privy Councill doe Hereby fully pardone and indemnifie all such of the said Desertors as shall happen to be transported to Flanders in maner foresaid for their said desertione als fully and freely in all respects as if the said cryme had never been committed and incurred but that all other Desertors may be duely punished and none may presume for hereafter to desert on any pretence we further Hereby with advyce foresaid Ratifie and revive all former proclamations against desertors ordaineing the same to be put to executione against all Desertors not hereby pardoned or presently ingadged2 in our service with all rigour and that for hereafter noe questione may be moved anent passes We hereby with advyce foresaid ordaine all Collonells of the Regiments in our service To intimate to their inferior officers3 That none of them presume to give a pass to any souldier under their Command unless the said inferior officer be a feild officer and in absence of the said Collonells out of the Kingdome Declareing lykeas it is hereby declared That all passes to be Hereafter given contrair to the present ordor shall be void and of noe effect to the persones beares and users thereof our will is herefore and we charge you strictly and Command That incontinent these our letters seen ye pass to the marcat cross of Edinburgh and to the marcat crosses of the head burghs of the severall shyres of this Kingdome and there in our name and authority make publicatione hereof that none may pretend ignorance and ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the tuentie sexth day of Februarie and our Reigne the sexth year 1695. sic subscribitur Annandale p; Southerland; Cassils; Leven; Forfar; Breadalbane; Murray; Tarbatt; Raith

At Edinburgh the tuentie sext day of Februarie Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years



Proclamatione indemnifieing Desertors

The following proclamatione being also read, approven and signed was ordered to be recorded whereof the tenor followeth Proclamatione indemnifieing desertors and declareing what passes will be sufficient William by the grace of God King of Great Brittaine France and Ireland Defender of our faith To […] macers of our privy Councill or messingers at armes our shirriffs in that part conjunctly and severly speciallie Constitut greeting Forasmuchas we Have allowed and ordained That all desertors from our Regiments in Flanders, since there being there, be seized as Desertors by our officers lately come from Flanders for recruits, as also That such of these desertors who engadged in any of our Regiments abiding in Scotland to be delyvered to the said officers to be transported againe to Flanders and least the foresaid Desertors may apprehend that they may be still be lyable to punishment as Desertors Therfore we with advyce of the Lords of our privy Councill doe Hereby fully pardone and indemnifie all such of the said Desertors as shall happen to be transported to Flanders in maner foresaid for their said desertione als fully and freely in all respects as if the said cryme had never been committed and incurred but that all other Desertors may be duely punished and none may presume for hereafter to desert on any pretence we further Hereby with advyce foresaid Ratifie and revive all former proclamations against desertors ordaineing the same to be put to executione against all Desertors not hereby pardoned or presently ingadged2 in our service with all rigour and that for hereafter noe questione may be moved anent passes We hereby with advyce foresaid ordaine all Collonells of the Regiments in our service To intimate to their inferior officers3 That none of them presume to give a pass to any souldier under their Command unless the said inferior officer be a feild officer and in absence of the said Collonells out of the Kingdome Declareing lykeas it is hereby declared That all passes to be Hereafter given contrair to the present ordor shall be void and of noe effect to the persones beares and users thereof our will is herefore and we charge you strictly and Command That incontinent these our letters seen ye pass to the marcat cross of Edinburgh and to the marcat crosses of the head burghs of the severall shyres of this Kingdome and there in our name and authority make publicatione hereof that none may pretend ignorance and ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the tuentie sexth day of Februarie and our Reigne the sexth year 1695. sic subscribitur Annandale p; Southerland; Cassils; Leven; Forfar; Breadalbane; Murray; Tarbatt; Raith

1. NRS, PC1/50, 132-3.

2. The word ‘are’ scored out here.

3. The word ‘Thereto’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 132-3.

2. The word ‘are’ scored out here.

3. The word ‘Thereto’ scored out here.