Edinburgh The 14th March 1695
Warrand Glenkindie for a Lybell befor the parliament
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Alexander Strachan of Glenkindie Shewing That quher in the year Jaj vjc Seventie Six the petitioner was pursued at the instance of the then Kings Advocat for the alledged Slaughter of Alexander Sour and put under the exorbitant baill of Twentie thousand punds scots for the petitioners Compeirance and presenting such of his men tennents and servants as should be cited as parties and witnesses Which tho the petitioner did all possible to performe, yet some persones being insert in the Citationes whose names were never intimat to the petitioner for their Not being presented the petitioner and his Cautioners were unlawed in the forsaid soume of Twenty Thousand pund scots and this unlaw was therafter gifted to Sir Adam Blair now a fugative in France who haveing done dilligence for the sae the petitioner and his estate doe still Lye under the hazard Therfore the petitioner has of late applyed both to the Lords of session and Lords of Justiciary for remeid of Law, But the Lords of the sessione Declyneing themselves as in a matter purely Criminall, And the Lords of Justiciary Finding no president in their records for reduceing ther Oun acts of adjournall all that the Lords of Justiciary did was to refuse the petitioners bill But prejudice to the petitioners applying to the parliament or otherwayes as accords of the Law And seing that such is the petitioners case that ther is no remeedy left him but by the parliament and that for obtaining the same in the said soveraigne Court necessary It is that the petitioner have the saids Lords Warrand to cite all persones concerned to make ther appearance ther And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased in Consideratione of the premises to Grant to petitioner the saids Lords Warrand to Sumond the said Sir Adam Blair with the officers of state and all others haveing intrest in the forsaid matter To Compeir before his majestie and the estates of parliament at a Certaine day with Continuatione of dayes as use is, and alsoe to sumond witneses as the petition bears, The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing heard this petition given in to them be the above Alexander Strachan They doe heirby Grant warrand to the petitioner and maccers or messengers at armes To Sumond the above Sir Adam Blair with the officers of state and all others having intrest in the above matter To Compeir before his majestie and the estates of parliament To Compeir before his majestie and the estates of parliament in the nixt ensueing session of parliament at Edinburgh or wher it shall hapen to meet The […] day of […] nixt to come with Continuatione of dayes as use is, And also to Sumond witnesses to the effect forsaid.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 209r-209v.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 209r-209v.