Warrant, 19 December 1695, Edinburgh

Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the nyntine And twentie dayes of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs



Warrand for citeing importers of forraigne victuall

The Lords of his majesties privie Councell Haveing considered the report of a comittie of ther own number Anent Irish and other forraigne Victuall They heirby approve therof And appoint These persones importers of Irish and other forraigne victuall who are most responsall And whose names are to be given in to the clerks of Councell Be David Crafurd of Drwmswie to be imediatly cited to appear befor the Saids Lords of privie Councell To ansuer for importing of the said forraigne victuall And to be pwnished according to Law And appointes the rest of the persones gwilty being numerows and worth neer the certificatione contained In Drwmswies Comissione To be persued befor the Shirreffs Stewarts or baillies of the Jurisdictione wher they Live To the effect ther fynes may be modified according to ther abilities Conforme to the informations to be given in Against them by the Said David Crafurd And Seeing that the Said David Crafurd of Drwmswie hes the one half of the saids fynes by his Comissione The Saids Lords appoint and ordaine him to be comptable to them for the other half therof And Seeing it is most probable that wnder the Shelter of meall ther may be other graines brought into this kingdome to the prejudice of the natione Therfor and in respect it is evident to the Comittie that he hath bein exact And dilligent in the Service The Saids Lords of privie Counsell Appoints his comissione to continwe And for Strenthening him therin Gives warrand to him to call for Souldiers for Secureing of the vessells wherin the victuall is imported with concurse allwayes of the magistrat or Judge upon the place And discharges All importers of forraigne meall to wnload any of ther meall untill the said David Crafurd or his Deputs Doe first Survey the vessells and Loading And as to the wheat Secured in Glasgow And baxters alleadged gwiltie of importing therof from Ireland The Saids Lords Have granted Comissione of this dayes date anent the same as the said David Crafurd Shall informe and prove And appoints him to remaine at Edinburgh and discharges him to remove therfrae untill he attend all the Dyets of Councell in the processes alreadie intented befor them against the importers of forraigne victuall And till these processes be finallie Determined And discussed

Att Edinburgh the nyntine And twentie dayes of December Jaj vic nyntie five yeirs



Warrand for citeing importers of forraigne victuall

The Lords of his majesties privie Councell Haveing considered the report of a comittie of ther own number Anent Irish and other forraigne Victuall They heirby approve therof And appoint These persones importers of Irish and other forraigne victuall who are most responsall And whose names are to be given in to the clerks of Councell Be David Crafurd of Drwmswie to be imediatly cited to appear befor the Saids Lords of privie Councell To ansuer for importing of the said forraigne victuall And to be pwnished according to Law And appointes the rest of the persones gwilty being numerows and worth neer the certificatione contained In Drwmswies Comissione To be persued befor the Shirreffs Stewarts or baillies of the Jurisdictione wher they Live To the effect ther fynes may be modified according to ther abilities Conforme to the informations to be given in Against them by the Said David Crafurd And Seeing that the Said David Crafurd of Drwmswie hes the one half of the saids fynes by his Comissione The Saids Lords appoint and ordaine him to be comptable to them for the other half therof And Seeing it is most probable that wnder the Shelter of meall ther may be other graines brought into this kingdome to the prejudice of the natione Therfor and in respect it is evident to the Comittie that he hath bein exact And dilligent in the Service The Saids Lords of privie Counsell Appoints his comissione to continwe And for Strenthening him therin Gives warrand to him to call for Souldiers for Secureing of the vessells wherin the victuall is imported with concurse allwayes of the magistrat or Judge upon the place And discharges All importers of forraigne meall to wnload any of ther meall untill the said David Crafurd or his Deputs Doe first Survey the vessells and Loading And as to the wheat Secured in Glasgow And baxters alleadged gwiltie of importing therof from Ireland The Saids Lords Have granted Comissione of this dayes date anent the same as the said David Crafurd Shall informe and prove And appoints him to remaine at Edinburgh and discharges him to remove therfrae untill he attend all the Dyets of Councell in the processes alreadie intented befor them against the importers of forraigne victuall And till these processes be finallie Determined And discussed

1. NRS, PC2/26, 67v-68v.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 67v-68v.