Holyrudehouse the nynth day of July Jaj vjc nynty and fyve years
Warrand for giving up Lord Frazers bond
His majesties high Commissioner and Lords of privy Councill Doe Hereby appoynt the bond granted by Charles Lord Frazer and Samuell Forbes of Foveran his Cautioner for his peaceable behaviour and appearance when called for and als for payment of two Hundred pound sterline quherin the said Lord Frazer is fyned by the Commissioners of Justiciary dated the tuenty third day of may Jaj vjc nynty and three years which is lyeing in the Hands of the Clerks of privy Councill to be delyvered up to the said Lord Frazer In respect James Johnstoun Esquyre principall Secretary of state did signifie to the said Lords That he had acquainted the King upon a Letter from the said Lord Frazer That his Lordship was desyreous to testifie his duety to the Government and to take the oath of alleadgeance and assurance And als in respect the said Lord2 Frazer is now accordingly come and qualified himself by swearing the alleadgeance and signing the assureance and is sitting in this present sessione of parliament
1. NRS, PC1/50, 210.
2. The phrase ‘Forbes is’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 210.
2. The phrase ‘Forbes is’ scored out here.