Edinburgh the First day of February Jaj vjc nyntie four years
Act Mr James Gordon for the steipend of Foveraine.
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Council be Mr James Gordon preacher at Foveraigne Shewing That wher the petitioner haveing ane call from the Earle of Marishall and other heritors and elders of the said parishin of Foveraine to be minister of the said kirk accordingly has officiat since the beginning of november last And seing the petitioner Cannot obtaine ane legall admission to the place untill ther be a presbytrie formally Constitute in that bounds Conforme to the present established Church government or till ther by a meeting of the Generall Assembly againe and that in the mean time the petitioners does constantly officiat and Serve the place Conforme to his Call quhich was therwith produced And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords in Consideration of the premises to interpone ther authoritie and to ordaine the petitioner may be Readily answered of the Stipend payable by the respective heritors and parishioners of the said parochin for the present year Jaj vjc nyntie thrie The termes of payment therof being first come and bygone and to grant letters accordingly as the said petition bears The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Mr James Gordon with the Call be the Earle of Marishall and other heritors and elders of the above parish of Foveraine to the petitioner to be minister at the kirk of Foveraine and to enjoy the stipend manse and Gleib and other emoluments since mertimess Jaj vjc nyntie two years dated in october and november Jaj vjc and nyntie thrie years produced with the said petition, They heirby allow the petitioner the stipend of the above kirk of Foverain for the hail cropt and year of god Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years, And ordaines him to be readiely answered obeyed and payed therof be the heritors fewers wodsetters and others Lyable in payment of the same, And ordaines letters of horning under the signet of Councill to be direct against them for that effect He produceing a decreet of Locallitie and incase ther be no Decreet of Locallity, Ordaines these Lyable to make payment to the petitioner of their respective proportiones of the said years stipend according as the samen shall be Decerned by the Judge Ordinary The petitioners allwayes before extracting heirof Searing and signeing the oath of alledgance and assurance prescryved by act of parliament to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary and that in presence of any one of the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill, Or otherwayes instructing to the Clerks of privy Councill that he has allready taken the same in the termes of the act of Parliament or proclamatione following theron.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 327v-328r.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 327v-328r.