Att Edinburgh the Tuentieth day of February Jaj vic nyntie four years
Act Mr John Duncan to treat with the Rebells in the Bass
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Be Mr John Duncan merchant in Edinburgh Sheuing That wheras the petitioner had a Bark coming from Dumbar Loaden with wheat which parted from that port sunday last about five in the morning and keept att Leist three or four mylles to the north of the Bass yet ther being Litle wind The Bassmen took their advantadge and Came out Eighteen of them in their boat and made up to the bark but tho the bark took about and gott back almost to Dumbar yet she was overtaken and seized uithin Less nor a mylle to that port wherupon Baillie Kirkuood of Dumbar with all possible dilligence roade to Casiltoune uith all speed to acquant the garrisone and be the way saw tuo of Cassiltouns boats with their Captaine and Leivtennant and tuenty tuo souldiers making touards them for the barks releiffe wherupon the bassmen touing the bark allong quytted their oune2 boat and went into the bark with all their armes And the souldiers apprehending they might have tuo pateraroes on board thought not fitt to attacque them with so visible a hazard wherby the petitioners bark was Lost and also a most happy opportunity to have reduced the Bass seing their whole Company safe four men were on board And It was almost dark night before they gott the Length of the Bass and therfore Humbly Craving their Lordships In respect of the petitioners Loss And if his bark be yet unstaved or whither staved or not to allow him to goe and parley uith the bassmen for recovery of the said wheat and Bark to make the best bargaine with them he Can as others in the Lyke caise have been alloued to doe as the said petitione bears The saids Lords of their Majesties privie Councill Having Considered this petitione given in to them Be the above Mr John Duncane They heirby allow the petitioner to Goe and treat uith the Rebells in the Bass And to make the best bargaine with them he Can The treating being alwayes in presence of any officer of their Majesties standing forces to be sent by Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in cheiff of their Majesties forces uithin this Kingdome to goe allong with the petitioner provyding aluayes the petitioner shall treat only for money to be Given for his said bark and Loadning and shall make noe bargaine by bartering or Change of Commodities And declares that the above treaty shall Inferr noe hazard Against the persones alloued to treat Albeit the rebells in the Bass be Intercomuned and declared rebells
1. NRS, PC1/49, 262-3.
2. The word ‘Bark’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 262-3.
2. The word ‘Bark’ scored out here.