Act, 25 January 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Twentie fifth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Act Mr Alexander Alexander anent the repairing the kirk and kirkyeard dykes of Glass

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Mr Alexander Alexander Minister of the Gospell at the Church of Glass Shewing That quher albeit by severall acts of Parliament the heritors be expressly bound and Oblidged to mantaine and repair the Churches and Church yeard dykes, And that the Church of Glass Wherof the petitioner is incumbent is quite ruined wanted rooff, so that non of the parishioners are able now in this stormie Cold Weather to come to Church to hear sermon neither is the petitioner so much as able to preach therin by reasone of the Cold and raine So as the petitioner is necesitate oft times to preach in barnes and such like places to these who come to divine Service as alsoe the Church yeard dykes are altogither doune so that the Church yeard wherin Christians are buried is become a Comon pasturage for swyne and other bestiall yet the heritors will not meeting and stent themselves and ther being now no Bishop nor any presbytrie established by Law, To quhich the petitioner can make applicatione, As also non of the heritors doe recide within the parish at least the most part of them are very farr distant, and some of them particularly the Laird of Edinglassie who is Cheif heritor according to the Last accompt was in the service of the republict of Venice So that the petitioner Cannot gett them So much as to meett and stent themselves And seing it is not Christian like and very indecent that Churches and Churchyeard dykes should be ruinous, And that ther is non Others to whom the petitioner could make application more fittly then the saids Lords And Therfore Humbly Supplicating to the effect after mentioned The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above petition given in to them be Mr Alexander Alexander minister at Glass, They heirby nominat and appoint the shirreff depute of the shire of Banff and Sir James Abercrombie of Birkenbog and William Dumbar elder of Durne two of the Commissioners of Supply within the said Shyre, And such of the heritors of the parish of Glass as shall meet with them, To meett at the kirk of Glass upon the furth day of Aprill nixt And incase non of the heritors of the parish doe meet with him To the said shirreff depute and two Commissioners forsaids to meet themselves allone And to take tryall and Cognitione by suficient tradsmen and other qualified and fit persones what the charges and expenses of repairing and makeing suficient the kirk of Glass and kirkyeard dykes of the same will amount to With power to the shirreff depute and two Commissioners with such heritors as shall meet with them, or to the Said Shirreff depute and two Commissioners themselves if no heritors meet with them To Stent the parishioners and heritors of the said parish of Glass For the soume to which the expenses and Charges of repairing and makeing suficient the said kirk and kirkyeard dykes will amount Conforme to the Lawes and acts of parliament And Nominats and Appoints the said Mr Alexander Alexander to be factor for uplifting Ingathering and Collecting of the money to which the parishioners and heritors forsaid shall be stented as said is In Respect the factor before extracting heirof has found suficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councill That he shall Imploy the money Which shall be Collected be him upon the repairatione of the said kirk and kirk yeard dykes at sight of the shirreff depute, Or the said Sir James Abercrombie Or either of them, And ordaines letters of horning under the Signet of Councill to be direct at the instance of the said factor Against the parishioners and heritors for payment of the Soumes to which they shall be stented as said is, Conforme to a Stent roll therof Containeing the names and Soumes of the persones and proportiones Stented to be subscryved be the shirreff depute and two Commissioners above named with suche heritors (if any be) as meet with them And appoints the said shireff depute To Issue furth precepts for citeing the Commissioners and heritors forsaids to meet at the day and place abovenamed to the effect abovementioned, And appoints the Said Shirreff depute of Bamff to cause make intimatione heirof at the kirk doors of Glass upon the Sabath be fore the day above appointed in the fornoon Imediatly after divine service.

Edinburgh the Twentie fifth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Act Mr Alexander Alexander anent the repairing the kirk and kirkyeard dykes of Glass

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Mr Alexander Alexander Minister of the Gospell at the Church of Glass Shewing That quher albeit by severall acts of Parliament the heritors be expressly bound and Oblidged to mantaine and repair the Churches and Church yeard dykes, And that the Church of Glass Wherof the petitioner is incumbent is quite ruined wanted rooff, so that non of the parishioners are able now in this stormie Cold Weather to come to Church to hear sermon neither is the petitioner so much as able to preach therin by reasone of the Cold and raine So as the petitioner is necesitate oft times to preach in barnes and such like places to these who come to divine Service as alsoe the Church yeard dykes are altogither doune so that the Church yeard wherin Christians are buried is become a Comon pasturage for swyne and other bestiall yet the heritors will not meeting and stent themselves and ther being now no Bishop nor any presbytrie established by Law, To quhich the petitioner can make applicatione, As also non of the heritors doe recide within the parish at least the most part of them are very farr distant, and some of them particularly the Laird of Edinglassie who is Cheif heritor according to the Last accompt was in the service of the republict of Venice So that the petitioner Cannot gett them So much as to meett and stent themselves And seing it is not Christian like and very indecent that Churches and Churchyeard dykes should be ruinous, And that ther is non Others to whom the petitioner could make application more fittly then the saids Lords And Therfore Humbly Supplicating to the effect after mentioned The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above petition given in to them be Mr Alexander Alexander minister at Glass, They heirby nominat and appoint the shirreff depute of the shire of Banff and Sir James Abercrombie of Birkenbog and William Dumbar elder of Durne two of the Commissioners of Supply within the said Shyre, And such of the heritors of the parish of Glass as shall meet with them, To meett at the kirk of Glass upon the furth day of Aprill nixt And incase non of the heritors of the parish doe meet with him To the said shirreff depute and two Commissioners forsaids to meet themselves allone And to take tryall and Cognitione by suficient tradsmen and other qualified and fit persones what the charges and expenses of repairing and makeing suficient the kirk of Glass and kirkyeard dykes of the same will amount to With power to the shirreff depute and two Commissioners with such heritors as shall meet with them, or to the Said Shirreff depute and two Commissioners themselves if no heritors meet with them To Stent the parishioners and heritors of the said parish of Glass For the soume to which the expenses and Charges of repairing and makeing suficient the said kirk and kirkyeard dykes will amount Conforme to the Lawes and acts of parliament And Nominats and Appoints the said Mr Alexander Alexander to be factor for uplifting Ingathering and Collecting of the money to which the parishioners and heritors forsaid shall be stented as said is In Respect the factor before extracting heirof has found suficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councill That he shall Imploy the money Which shall be Collected be him upon the repairatione of the said kirk and kirk yeard dykes at sight of the shirreff depute, Or the said Sir James Abercrombie Or either of them, And ordaines letters of horning under the Signet of Councill to be direct at the instance of the said factor Against the parishioners and heritors for payment of the Soumes to which they shall be stented as said is, Conforme to a Stent roll therof Containeing the names and Soumes of the persones and proportiones Stented to be subscryved be the shirreff depute and two Commissioners above named with suche heritors (if any be) as meet with them And appoints the said shireff depute To Issue furth precepts for citeing the Commissioners and heritors forsaids to meet at the day and place abovenamed to the effect abovementioned, And appoints the Said Shirreff depute of Bamff to cause make intimatione heirof at the kirk doors of Glass upon the Sabath be fore the day above appointed in the fornoon Imediatly after divine service.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 324r-325r.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 324r-325r.