Order, 23 January 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Twentie thrid day of January Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Recomendatione to the thesaurie Mr Alexander Pitcairne

Anent a Petitione given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Mr Alexander Pitcairne principall of the divinity of Collodge of St Andrewes Shewing That quher the petitioners father haveing Sustained very great Losses by a Company of Lawlessmen in disguse under Cloud of night who did spoill and robb his house and Caried away to the value of Thrie Thousand merks as wes instructed before his Majestie and estates of parliament and haveing applyed from time to time to the estates of parliament and obtained diverse remitts to the Lords of the privy Councill Which hitherto to were in effectuall because of the petitioners Constant adherence to this forme of Church government at present be Law established, Wherfor he did of new apply to the last sessione of this Current parliament in June Last and did Represent his Loss and former Remitts and Craved that the honorable estates of parliament would appoint the petitioner to be satisfied of the said soume of Thrie Thousand merks out of the vaccand stipends or any other way should be thought most expedient, In Consideratione of which petition his Majesties high Commissioner and the honoraball estates of parliament did Remit the supplicant to the saids Lords In order to the repairatione of his damnadges out of said vaccand stipends And Seeing it will be ane act highly worthie of the saids Lords Justice and goodness to put ane end to the petitioners frequent and expensive applicationes Wherby his Loss is vastly increased Rather then And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords to appoint the Collector of the vaccand stipends to make payment to the petitioner of the said soumes of Thrie Thousand merks for repairatione of his said damnadges In Consideration of the act and Remitt of Parliament therwith given in as the said petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petitione given in to them be the above Mr Alexander Pitcairne They heirby Seriously Recommend to the Lords Commissioners of their majesties thesaurie To Consider the petitione and act or Remitt of parliament mentioned therin, And produced therwith And to cause effectuall payment to be made to the petitioner of the above Soume of Thrie thousand merks Conforme to the said act and Remitt of Parliament.

Edinburgh The Twentie thrid day of January Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Recomendatione to the thesaurie Mr Alexander Pitcairne

Anent a Petitione given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Mr Alexander Pitcairne principall of the divinity of Collodge of St Andrewes Shewing That quher the petitioners father haveing Sustained very great Losses by a Company of Lawlessmen in disguse under Cloud of night who did spoill and robb his house and Caried away to the value of Thrie Thousand merks as wes instructed before his Majestie and estates of parliament and haveing applyed from time to time to the estates of parliament and obtained diverse remitts to the Lords of the privy Councill Which hitherto to were in effectuall because of the petitioners Constant adherence to this forme of Church government at present be Law established, Wherfor he did of new apply to the last sessione of this Current parliament in June Last and did Represent his Loss and former Remitts and Craved that the honorable estates of parliament would appoint the petitioner to be satisfied of the said soume of Thrie Thousand merks out of the vaccand stipends or any other way should be thought most expedient, In Consideratione of which petition his Majesties high Commissioner and the honoraball estates of parliament did Remit the supplicant to the saids Lords In order to the repairatione of his damnadges out of said vaccand stipends And Seeing it will be ane act highly worthie of the saids Lords Justice and goodness to put ane end to the petitioners frequent and expensive applicationes Wherby his Loss is vastly increased Rather then And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords to appoint the Collector of the vaccand stipends to make payment to the petitioner of the said soumes of Thrie Thousand merks for repairatione of his said damnadges In Consideration of the act and Remitt of Parliament therwith given in as the said petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petitione given in to them be the above Mr Alexander Pitcairne They heirby Seriously Recommend to the Lords Commissioners of their majesties thesaurie To Consider the petitione and act or Remitt of parliament mentioned therin, And produced therwith And to cause effectuall payment to be made to the petitioner of the above Soume of Thrie thousand merks Conforme to the said act and Remitt of Parliament.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 320r-320v.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 320r-320v.