Edinburgh the threteinth day of March Jaj vjc nyntie four years
Act The heritors of Badenoche
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Duncan Mcphersone of Clunie, Lauchlan Mcintosh of Belnespick, Malcome Mcphersone of Breachacher John Mcpherson of Delradie, Thomas Mcphersone of Kilihuntly Alexander Mcphersone of Phonas Murdoch Mcphersone of Eteris, James Mcphersone of Belchreon John Mcphersone of Ardbrylach Paull Mcphersone of Pitchiren Lauchlan Mcphersone of Dellifour for themselves and in name and behalf of the remanent heritors of the Lordship of Badzenoch Shewing That albeit by the seventh act of the fourth session of this Current parliament The Estates of parliament in furder pursuance of ther dutie exprest in the act of parliament Jaj vjc nyntie three Intituled ane humble tender to his sacred majestie of the dutie and Loyaltie of his ancient kingdome of Scotland, Did offer to his majestie a present Levie of two thousand nyne hundred seventie one foot to be Levid from the severall shyres and burghes of this kingdome effeirand to proportiones and numbers sett doune in the forsaid act, And which proportion is therby regulat according to the valued rent of each shyre equally without distinction of Highlands or Lowlands And Albeit by a proclamation dated the twentie two of December last anent the saids new Levies, The Lords of their majesties privy Councill Doe Requyre the Commissioners of Supplie of everie shyre and stewartrie to meet time and places therinspecified with the heritors and to proportion and subdivyde the number and quota of men to be Levied out of ilk Shyre and Stewartrie mentioned in the late act of parliament upon the severall heritors equallie and proportionally, nevertheless the Commissioners of Suplie appointed for Elgine, Nairn and this syde of the Ness have proceided unequally contrare to the act of parliament and the saids Lords proclamatione In so farr as they have proportioned and appointed each Thousand merks within the Lordship of Badzenoch to outreick a man Wheras one thousand pund of valued rent apparteining to the Commissioners themselves and of land Lying about Inverness Elgine and Nairne Towards the seasyde is appointed to outreick a man Wherby it is evident that the petitioners are overburdeined by that generall method in a thrid part more then their equall number, And as a furder evidence of the inequalitie observed by the saids Commissioners They have appointed the Lordship of Badenoch (excepting therfrom the lands pertaineing to the Lairds of Mcintosh and Borluin) to outreik nyne men albeit the reall rent of all thes lands will not exceid Seven thousand merks which demonstrats the inequalitie and by quhich it is manifast that the petitioners and remanent heritors within the Lordships of Badzenoch are over burdeined very farr beyond their Just proportiones And Therfore humbly suplicating to the effect aftermentioned, The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Duncein Mcpherson and others abovenamed for themselves and in name and behalf of the remanent heritors of the Lordship of Badzenoch, They heirby appoint the Commissioners of Supply within the Shyres of Elgine Nairne and this Syde of Ness againe to meet proceid and retifie what may be amiss in proportioneing the above Levies Upon the petitioners Conforme to the acts of parliament and acts proclamationes and orders of Councill made theranent as they will be answerable at their perrill.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 367v-368r.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 367v-368r.