Att Edinburgh the fourth day of Apryle Jaj vic nyntie four years
proclamation against Deserters frae the regiments going to Flanders
The Follouing proclamation Being read votted and approven was signed and ordered to be recorded wherof the tenor Folloues
William and Mary by the Grace of God King and Queen of Great Brittaine France and Ireland defenders of the faith To […] Macers of our privie Councill messengers at arms our shirreffs in that part Conjunctlly and severallie speciallie Constitut Greeting Forasmuchas In obedience to the orders direct by us to the Commander in cheiff of our forces uithin this Kingdome and the Collonells and other officers of the severall regiments appointed by us to be transported for Flanders The saids Collonells have their regiments Compleat and in good Condition readie to be Imbarqued for our service in Flanders And we Considering that all souldiers Listed and Ingaged in our service ought to be Intirely reserved for that use And noe wayes Incouraged Inticed or seduced to desert the same nor resett harboured and sheltered when they desert or forsake the said service or Leave the same otheruayes then by allouance and a pass granted by their superior officers Conforme to the rules of military descipline And that it is both the Intrest of our service and honour of this our antient kingdome that the regiments now to be Embarqued should be full and Compleat Therfore we uith advyce of the Lords of our privie Councell perremptorly prohibite and discharge all and sundrie our subjects uithin this Kingdome whither officers or souldiers or other persons whatsomever to Intice persuade or seduce any of the souldiers In our service and under our pay And particularly in the regiments under the Command of The Lord Strathnaver Sir James Lesly Collonell Buchan and Collonell […] Hamilton or any of them now ready to be Embarqued and transported to Flanders To desert or Leave our said service or to shelter Conceall harbour resett and Intertaine any souldier who deserts or unduely Leaves our said service And particularly any of the saids regiments or who hes deserted Left or run away from2 from the same since the first day of november last uithout having a pass signed and subscribed by the Captaine and Commanding officer of the regiment for the tyme In which the said souldier or souldiers Last served Certifying all who shall come in the Contrair heirof That they and each of them shall be Lyable for each souldier Inticed deserting or Resett as said is in the soume of ane hundred pounds scotts to be decerned to be payed to the Captaine under whom the said souldier served by the ordinary magistrat of the place wher the transgressor Lives And that by and attour the delyvering up to the said Captaine the persone of the deserter or furnishing another sufficient souldier in his stead And for the more effectuall observance of the premisses we uith advyce forsaid Requyre and Command the Collonells and other officers of the respective regiments who are to stay and remaine uithin this Kingdome To delyver up to the Collonells and other officers of the regiments to be transported for Flanders all deserters since the first of november last from any of the saids regiments to be transported who are or have been in service or retained in the regiments that are to stay at home and that before Imbarquing of the saids regiments to be transported under the paine forsaid And further that the officers of the saids regiments to stay at home uith the assistance and Concurrence of any magistrat of the Bounds and noe other wayes seise and apprehend all Concealled deserters of these regiments whom they Can discover and Give account of them to the Commander in cheiff of our forces To the effect that they may be sent abroad to the respective regiments to which they belong And to the effect that not only the forces to stay at home but all our Leidges may know their hazard in the premisses we uith advyce forsaid prohibite and discharge any persone who hath been in our service To be receaved as a tennent by any Heretor or servant to any master of family or harboured by any persone or any deserter of the regiments to goe abroad since the first of november last to be receaved souldier In any regiment or Company which stayes at home who shall not have a pass signed and subscribed In manner forsaid As also that no strainger tho not a deserter be receaved att any tyme betuixt and the fifteenth day of May nixt by any heretor or master of family to reside uith him uithout a sufficient testimoniall from the shirreff or his deputs or a Justice of peace or other Magistrats of the bounds from whence they Last Came Certifying all and every one who Contrary heirto shall receave resett or conceall any souldier knouen to him to be a deserter or strainger uithout pass or testimoniall forsaid betuixt and the said fifteenth day of May That they shall be Lyable in the penaltie abovementioned to be decerned to be payed in manner above exprest And Lastly for the more effectuall reclaiming of such as have deserted to returne to their service wee uith advice forsaid doe fullie pardon and Indemnifie all and every one of the said deserters of the saids regiments to be transported to Flanders who shall returne to their deuty and service and render themselves aither to the saids officers before the saids regiments shall be Embarqued or to the Commander in cheiff of our forces betuixt and the first day of May nixt to Come Certifying all such as shall dispise or neglect this our gracious offer That if therafter apprehended they shall be punished uithout mercy And this proclamation to Continow and Endure untill the fifteenth day of May nixt to Come and noe Longer But prejudice of former proclamations emitted against deserters and the officers their right to them by vertue therof Our will is heirfore And we Charge yow Straitly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Croce of Edinburgh And to the remanent mercat Crosses of the head burghs of the severall shires of this our antient kingdome And ther In our name and authority by open proclamation make Intimatione of the premisses And ordaines these presents to be printed and published at and affixed upon the doors of all the paroch doors uithin this kingdome Given under our signet at Edinburgh the fourth day of Apryle and of our reigne the fifth year 1694 Sic subscribitur Tueedale cancel: Melvill p:s Southerland Cassills Linlithgow Leven Forfar Tarbat Beilhaven
1. NRS, PC1/49, 328-30.
2. Insertion, with the word ‘uith’ scored out.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 328-30.
2. Insertion, with the word ‘uith’ scored out.