Att Edinburgh the Tuentieth day of February Jaj vic nyntie four years
Act In favoures of The Toune of Dysert
Anent the petitione given In to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councill Be the Inhabitants of the toune of Dysert Sheuing That wher the toune of Dysert at the first establishment of the militia hes been Listed to the number of fiftie four men which is ane most unreasonable proportione and by which they sustained a most manifest uronge The whole number of their fencible Inhabitants who are burgesses doe not exceed Eightie four men and which they make appear to the Commissioners of supply for the shyre of Fyffe by ane subscribed List on Credite and Conscience And which heavy burden hes been Laid upon that poor place aither by the malice or Envy of these who have not been their freinds at the tyme or else it hath been done Ignorantly by some mistake And It is very clear that the Late government uas Convinced therof In respect they were alwayes Dispenced with at all rendivouzes for the halfe of that number and which was done by ane particular allouance of the Late Duke of Rothes who was first Collonell of that regiment and all the succeeding Collonells therof And which they have made appear to the Commissioners of the said supply by unquestionable testimony all which is represented to their Lordships by ane Letter wryten and direct by the preses of the said meeting In name and by ordor of them to the Lord Raith Lord Thesaurer Depute as ane Coppie of the said Letter produced with the said petitione did testifie And the petitioners having meand themselves to the forsaids Commissioners of supply who are to proportione ane new outreik upon the shyre Conforme to the proportione of the militia to ease and releive them of the forsaid most unjust and unreasonable proportione Laid upon them In manner abovewryten The saids Commissioners Can on noe wayes medle with the alteratione of the saids old2 establishment without their Lordships authority albeit they are trewly Convinced and knoues that they are extreamly prejudged and wronged In manner aboveuryten And seing their is ane sufficient fond Left to the Saids Commissioners for easing and releiving them of the forsaid unjust and unreasonable proportione Ther being severall Lands and places within the shyre who is not Listed at the first establishment of the militia and if Listed bears Litle or noe proportione therof And which ease or releiff will be noe prejudice or hinderance to their Majesties service and Intrest The shyre being alwayes obleidged to outreik the quota and proportione Laid upon them And therfore Humbly Craving to the effect underwryten as the said petitione bears The saids Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Having Considered this petitione given in to them Be the saids Inhabitants of Dysert They heirby Give ordor and warrand to and Impoures the Commissioners of supply within the shyre of Fyfe to meet and proceed for easing and releiving the toune of Dysert of the outreik mentioned in the petitione and to proportione the same as they shall find just.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 267-8.
2. Insertion.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 267-8.
2. Insertion.