Letter: royal, 1 February 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the first day of February Jaj vic nyntie four years


Letter: royal

Letter from the King anent Recruites etc

The Letter underwryten direct from the Kings Majestie to the Lords of privie Councell Being read was ordored to be recorded wherof the tenor folloues
Suprascribitar Uilliam Rex
Right trustie and right uell beloved Cousine and Councellor Right trustie and Entirely beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and right uell beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and uell beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and uell beloved Councellors Right trustie and uell beloved Councellors And trustie and uell beloved Councellors we Greet yow well wheras by our former Letter dated the […] day of december last we did signifie our pleasure in relatione to the raising the tuo thousand nyne hundreth and seventie one foot appoynted by Act of parliament to be levyed from the severall shyres of that our antient kingdome And in Ansuer to yours we have nominated the officers of these tuo Regiments We have aggreed uith Collonell Æneas Mckay to transport all the Recruites to Flanders and have given ordors to hyre transport shipps for Carrying the troopes ue Intend to take from yow And ue uill dispatch suitable Convoyes that may be in the firth as soon as all the men can be ready to Imbarque we have thought fitt to Acquant yow uith the ordors we have Given that this matter may be soe manadged by yow as to Ansuer our expectatione we doe assure ourselfes of your outmost applicatione to render it tymelie effectuall being of so Great Importance to the publict service and so advantagious to our scotts troopes abroad that they may be putt in Conditione to doe that service we have upon all occasiones receaved and doe expect from them Therfore yow are to proceed to fix dyets for Receaving the men from the severall shyres at their head burghs or most convenient places It uill be necessary that pairties of our forces both foot and dragoones be appoynted att these places to receave and guaird the men which Sir Thomas Livingstoun will Give the necessary to the troupes quartered nearest the the2 severall places And lykewayes the officers of the x tuo3 new Regiments And these officers sent over to make recruites must be delyvered and ordored to the severall places to be assistant to the receaving and guairding of these men In which they are cheifly concerned Collonell Æneas Mckay uill be usefull to yow in the directione of these officers We have thought fitt to add tuo Companies to our scotts foot guairds Therfore when the whole Levys are brought togither Sir Thomas Livingstoune is to Choyse out ane Hundreth men for these tuo Companies Besyds the fifteenth Hundreth formerly ordored for Recruites the rest to Compleat these tuo4 Companies are to be raised by beating of drums In which yow are to Give your allouance and assistance to the officers to make up whatever Recruites they want besyds the fifteen hundreth given them out of the Levy The officers of the tuo new Regiments are to be payed from the date of their Commissiones The Centinells from the tyme that they are delyvered by the severall shyres The officers for making Recruites Have money to pay threttie shillings for each man they receave and for subsisting them from the tyme they doe receave them Because the scotts establishment is […] men fewer in each Company foot and dragoones then the English establishment We doe allow the Collonells of these Regiments that are to Carry them thence to make up their numbers according to the English establishment when they enter upon that pay we doubt not your care in ordoring these or any other Circumstance or any other Circumstances that may occurr so as all our scotts troopes may appear well and Compleat And so we bidd yow heartily Fareuell Given at our Court at Kensingtoune the 22th day of January 1693/4 and of our Reigne the fifth year By his Majesties Command sic subscribitur John Dalrymple

Att Edinburgh the first day of February Jaj vic nyntie four years


Letter: royal

Letter from the King anent Recruites etc

The Letter underwryten direct from the Kings Majestie to the Lords of privie Councell Being read was ordored to be recorded wherof the tenor folloues
Suprascribitar Uilliam Rex
Right trustie and right uell beloved Cousine and Councellor Right trustie and Entirely beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and right uell beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and uell beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and uell beloved Councellors Right trustie and uell beloved Councellors And trustie and uell beloved Councellors we Greet yow well wheras by our former Letter dated the […] day of december last we did signifie our pleasure in relatione to the raising the tuo thousand nyne hundreth and seventie one foot appoynted by Act of parliament to be levyed from the severall shyres of that our antient kingdome And in Ansuer to yours we have nominated the officers of these tuo Regiments We have aggreed uith Collonell Æneas Mckay to transport all the Recruites to Flanders and have given ordors to hyre transport shipps for Carrying the troopes ue Intend to take from yow And ue uill dispatch suitable Convoyes that may be in the firth as soon as all the men can be ready to Imbarque we have thought fitt to Acquant yow uith the ordors we have Given that this matter may be soe manadged by yow as to Ansuer our expectatione we doe assure ourselfes of your outmost applicatione to render it tymelie effectuall being of so Great Importance to the publict service and so advantagious to our scotts troopes abroad that they may be putt in Conditione to doe that service we have upon all occasiones receaved and doe expect from them Therfore yow are to proceed to fix dyets for Receaving the men from the severall shyres at their head burghs or most convenient places It uill be necessary that pairties of our forces both foot and dragoones be appoynted att these places to receave and guaird the men which Sir Thomas Livingstoun will Give the necessary to the troupes quartered nearest the the2 severall places And lykewayes the officers of the x tuo3 new Regiments And these officers sent over to make recruites must be delyvered and ordored to the severall places to be assistant to the receaving and guairding of these men In which they are cheifly concerned Collonell Æneas Mckay uill be usefull to yow in the directione of these officers We have thought fitt to add tuo Companies to our scotts foot guairds Therfore when the whole Levys are brought togither Sir Thomas Livingstoune is to Choyse out ane Hundreth men for these tuo Companies Besyds the fifteenth Hundreth formerly ordored for Recruites the rest to Compleat these tuo4 Companies are to be raised by beating of drums In which yow are to Give your allouance and assistance to the officers to make up whatever Recruites they want besyds the fifteen hundreth given them out of the Levy The officers of the tuo new Regiments are to be payed from the date of their Commissiones The Centinells from the tyme that they are delyvered by the severall shyres The officers for making Recruites Have money to pay threttie shillings for each man they receave and for subsisting them from the tyme they doe receave them Because the scotts establishment is […] men fewer in each Company foot and dragoones then the English establishment We doe allow the Collonells of these Regiments that are to Carry them thence to make up their numbers according to the English establishment when they enter upon that pay we doubt not your care in ordoring these or any other Circumstance or any other Circumstances that may occurr so as all our scotts troopes may appear well and Compleat And so we bidd yow heartily Fareuell Given at our Court at Kensingtoune the 22th day of January 1693/4 and of our Reigne the fifth year By his Majesties Command sic subscribitur John Dalrymple

1. NRS, PC1/49, 240-1.

2. Sic.

3. The phrase ‘x tuo’ is an insertion.

4. Insertion.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 240-1.

2. Sic.

3. The phrase ‘x tuo’ is an insertion.

4. Insertion.