Procedure, 19 March 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Nynteinth March Jaj vjc nyntie four years, Called Extraordinary



Approbation of the Comittment of Livt Brown.

The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill approves of the Lord high Chancelor his Committing to prisone the persone of Livt Brown brother to the Laird of Blackburne in the Tolboth of Edinburgh wher they appoint him to remaine till furder order of Councill, And appoints the said Livt To make payment to William Lamb of Twentie dollers and to John Notman of Fourtein punds scots which he took from them, or to Sir Gilbert Eliot on of the Clerks of privy Councill in their names to be delivered be him to the saids persones, and approves of the order of the Comittie anent pressed souldiers given to this effair of before, And Ordaines letters of horning on six dayes and others needfull to be direct against the said Livt for payment or deliverance of the saids summes.

Edinburgh the Nynteinth March Jaj vjc nyntie four years, Called Extraordinary



Approbation of the Comittment of Livt Brown.

The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill approves of the Lord high Chancelor his Committing to prisone the persone of Livt Brown brother to the Laird of Blackburne in the Tolboth of Edinburgh wher they appoint him to remaine till furder order of Councill, And appoints the said Livt To make payment to William Lamb of Twentie dollers and to John Notman of Fourtein punds scots which he took from them, or to Sir Gilbert Eliot on of the Clerks of privy Councill in their names to be delivered be him to the saids persones, and approves of the order of the Comittie anent pressed souldiers given to this effair of before, And Ordaines letters of horning on six dayes and others needfull to be direct against the said Livt for payment or deliverance of the saids summes.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 381r-381v.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 381r-381v.