At Edinburgh munday 17th December 1694
Letter: royal
Letter from the King anent the generall affairs of the Councill
The following letter from the Kings majestie to the Councill anent the generall affairs of their Board being read was ordered to be recorded whereof the tenor followeth sic suprascribitur William Rex Right trustie and right well beloved Cousin and Councillor Right trusty and intirely beloved Cousin and Councellor Right trusty and right well beloved Cousins and Councillor Right trusty and well beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trusty and wel beloved Councellors and trusty and well beloved Councillors we greet you well We recomend to your Care the peace and quyet of the Kingdome and the Currant Business of your Board and such business as we shall from tyme to tyme wryt to you of upon our hearing from you But since we have called up our Chancellor, and that we intend to hasten him back fully instructed with our mynd as to the affairs of that our Kingdome It is our pleasure that matters of moment and which can admitt of delay without prejudice to our service be delayed And wheras we are informed That our Exchaquer does not meet because of some debates amongst the Commissioners of our Treasaurie which of them shall precide in Exchaquer and to the other members of that board our pleasure That they meet and act according to the directiones contained in our letter to them and soe we bid you heartilie farewell Given at at2 our Court at Kensington the tenth day of December Jaj vic nynty and four years and of our Reigne the sexth year By his majesties Command sic subscribitur J Johnstoune
1. NRS, PC1/50, 77-8.
2. Sic.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 77-8.
2. Sic.