Edinburgh the fifth day of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie four years
Anent the Roup of the Polemoney
The Councill haveing Considered at length upon the polemoney and it haveing gone to the vote whither adhere to the former vote or noe Wherby the Polmoney was to be sett in ferme by way of publict roup It was Caried adhere, And that the pole money be by way of roup, And it haveing gone to them vote if the roup should be before the first of August or after the first of October It was Carried that the same should be before the first of August and therafter the twentie fourth day of Jully was voted to be the preceiss day of the roup and by two severall votes It was caried that the roup should be before the Lords of Exchaquer and the conditione of the roup to be made up be their Lordships, And in the mean time Recomends to my Lord Advocat to draw the proclamationes as formerly appointed and intimateing the roup.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 15r-15v.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 15r-15v.