Act, 9 October 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh. Tuesday the 9th October 16941



Liberation Earle of Aboyne.

The Lords of their Majesties Privy Council, having Considered the Petitione givin in to them be Charles Earle of Aboyne, They herby give order and warrand to Lieutennent Collonell Erskin Lieutennent Governor of the Castle of Stirling, and in his absence the nixt Commanding officer there, To sett the Petitioner at Liberty furth therof, And in case his Effairs so require, allowes him imediatly after his Liberation from the said Castle, straight to repair to the Toun of Edinburgh and remaine therat for the space of Tuenty dayes or less as he shall think fitt, He keeping within the Toun dureing his abode therat, And ordaines him within the said space of Tuenty dayes and imediatly affor his departure from the said Citty to repaire straight to one or other of the Earle of Strathmore his houses of Glames or Castl-lyon, wher the said Earle shall be residing for the tyme, And with Consent and at the Earnest desire of the said Earle of Strathmore Confynes the said Earle of Aboyne to Either of the saids houses within which the Lord Strathmore shall Reside from tyme to tyme and six myles about the same. And Discharges him to goe 3 without the bounds of his Confynment, And befor his Liberation Ordaines him to give bond and find sufficient Cautione acted in the books of the privy Councill That he shall give Exact obedience to the present sentance in Every poynt. And that he shall appear befor the Lords of their Majesties privy Council when called for, and in the mean tyme that he shall live peaceably under and with all submission to the present Government of their Majesties King William and Qween Mary, And that he shall not Act, Consult, nor contrive any thing in prejudice therof, nor converse or Correspond with any rebells under the penalty of one Thousand pound sterlin in case he shall transgress in any parte of the Premisses.

At Edinburgh. Tuesday the 9th October 16941



Liberation Earle of Aboyne.

The Lords of their Majesties Privy Council, having Considered the Petitione givin in to them be Charles Earle of Aboyne, They herby give order and warrand to Lieutennent Collonell Erskin Lieutennent Governor of the Castle of Stirling, and in his absence the nixt Commanding officer there, To sett the Petitioner at Liberty furth therof, And in case his Effairs so require, allowes him imediatly after his Liberation from the said Castle, straight to repair to the Toun of Edinburgh and remaine therat for the space of Tuenty dayes or less as he shall think fitt, He keeping within the Toun dureing his abode therat, And ordaines him within the said space of Tuenty dayes and imediatly affor his departure from the said Citty to repaire straight to one or other of the Earle of Strathmore his houses of Glames or Castl-lyon, wher the said Earle shall be residing for the tyme, And with Consent and at the Earnest desire of the said Earle of Strathmore Confynes the said Earle of Aboyne to Either of the saids houses within which the Lord Strathmore shall Reside from tyme to tyme and six myles about the same. And Discharges him to goe 3 without the bounds of his Confynment, And befor his Liberation Ordaines him to give bond and find sufficient Cautione acted in the books of the privy Councill That he shall give Exact obedience to the present sentance in Every poynt. And that he shall appear befor the Lords of their Majesties privy Council when called for, and in the mean tyme that he shall live peaceably under and with all submission to the present Government of their Majesties King William and Qween Mary, And that he shall not Act, Consult, nor contrive any thing in prejudice therof, nor converse or Correspond with any rebells under the penalty of one Thousand pound sterlin in case he shall transgress in any parte of the Premisses.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 13.

2. NRS, PC1/50, 16.

3. The word ‘at’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 13.

2. NRS, PC1/50, 16.

3. The word ‘at’ scored out here.