Att Edinburgh the nynteenth day of June Jaj vic nyntie four years
Remitt to the parliament and Recommendation to The Thesaury Anent deficient men betuixt Roxburgh Selkirk and Drumfreis
The Lords of their majesties privie Councell Having Considered the representation made by the officers of the new raised regiments Anent the deficient men in the Levy by reasone of a debate betuixt the shires of Roxburgh Selkirk and Drumfreis And Having heard Advocats for the saids shires and the mutuall Informationes for the shire of Drumfreis against the shires of Roxburgh and Selkirk et E contra anent the severall proportiones of the said present Levies to be putt out by the saids shires Being read And the saids Lords Having Considered the same and having att Length spoke to this affaire amongst themselves They superceed giving any determination or sentence in this matter But remitts the same Intirely to the Consideratione and determination of the ensuing session of parliament And in the mean tyme That their majesties service in the present Levys may not be prejudged by the differences betuixt the saids shires The saids Lords of their majesties privie Councell Doe heirby Recommend to the Lords Commissioners of their Majesties Thesaury to advance by way of Loan to the officer to whom Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in cheiff of their majesties forces uithin this kingdome shall appoint alse much Levy money as uill Levy and furnish tuenty four men att threttie shillings sterling per man upon the officers bond or sufficient securitie that he shall refound the money so soon as he shall receave the same from aither of the forsaids shires which shall be found Lyable by the parliament in the outreik of the saids men
1. NRS, PC1/49, 388.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 388.