Act, 8 February 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Eight day of February Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Act Earl of Southesk anent the Countes of Errolls papers.

The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Haveing heard a petitione given in to them be the Earle of Southesk Making Mentione that he is appearand air and nearest of Kin to the deceast Countes of Erroll his fathers sister wherby he has intrest in her estate heritaball or moveable as he shall make his electione, That she haveing dyed out of the Countrey left some wrytes in England intrusted in the hands of Sir Robert Hamilton who by his missive of the Eightein of January last produced with the said petitione acknowledges the recept of the said papers Declareing that he does not intend to part with or open them without direction from some legally authorized to requyre them And that in respect of the trust reposed in him he Could not prudently or Safely Discharge it otherwayes And Therfore Craveing that the saids Lords would writt the Secretaries of State or either of them to Call for the said Robert and Requyre the wrytes in his Custody to be delivered up and sealled That they may be transmitted to the hands of the Clerks of privy Councill To be furth comeing at the Lords sight to the parties haveing intrest Togither with the forsaid principall letter produced as said is, Have thought fitt to authorize and heirby authorizes the said Sir Robert Hamilton to deliver up the forsaid papers left in his Custody as said is To the secretary of state who shall present this act and Ordinance to him, To be by the said secretary sealled up and sent to the Clerk of privy Councill as said is, Declaring Likeas they heirby Declare that the extract of this act of privy Councill indorsed one the back by […] Testifieing by his subscriptione the same to be satisfied shall be to the said Robert a suficient exoneratione of his said trust at all hands.

Edinburgh the Eight day of February Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Act Earl of Southesk anent the Countes of Errolls papers.

The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Haveing heard a petitione given in to them be the Earle of Southesk Making Mentione that he is appearand air and nearest of Kin to the deceast Countes of Erroll his fathers sister wherby he has intrest in her estate heritaball or moveable as he shall make his electione, That she haveing dyed out of the Countrey left some wrytes in England intrusted in the hands of Sir Robert Hamilton who by his missive of the Eightein of January last produced with the said petitione acknowledges the recept of the said papers Declareing that he does not intend to part with or open them without direction from some legally authorized to requyre them And that in respect of the trust reposed in him he Could not prudently or Safely Discharge it otherwayes And Therfore Craveing that the saids Lords would writt the Secretaries of State or either of them to Call for the said Robert and Requyre the wrytes in his Custody to be delivered up and sealled That they may be transmitted to the hands of the Clerks of privy Councill To be furth comeing at the Lords sight to the parties haveing intrest Togither with the forsaid principall letter produced as said is, Have thought fitt to authorize and heirby authorizes the said Sir Robert Hamilton to deliver up the forsaid papers left in his Custody as said is To the secretary of state who shall present this act and Ordinance to him, To be by the said secretary sealled up and sent to the Clerk of privy Councill as said is, Declaring Likeas they heirby Declare that the extract of this act of privy Councill indorsed one the back by […] Testifieing by his subscriptione the same to be satisfied shall be to the said Robert a suficient exoneratione of his said trust at all hands.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 330v-331r.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 330v-331r.