Att Edinburgh the fourth day of Apryle Jaj vic nyntie four years
Letter: royal
Letter from the King Naming The Lord Yester a privy Councelor
The follouing Letter from the King to the Councill nominating the Lord Yester a privie2 Councelor being read uas ordored to be recorded And the Councill Recommended to the Lord high Chancelor to wryte to the Lord Yester In respect he is not upon the place Acquanting him uith his Majesties Letter And that he Come to Edinburgh to be receaved a privie Councelor in the termes therof Folloues the tenor of the Letter.
Sic suprascribitur William Rex
Right trustie and Right well beloved Cousin and Councelor Right trustie and Intirely beloved Cousins and Councelors Right trustie and welbeloved Cousins and Councelors and Right trustie and well beloved Councelors We Greet yow well wheras In Consideration of the Loyaltie and abilites of our right trustie and well Beloved Lord Yester we have thought fitt to add him to the privie Councell of that our Kingdome It is therfore our will and pleasure And we doe heirby authorize and requyre yow to admitt and receave him Into that our privie Councill In the ordinary forme and method in such caises accustomed For doing wherof this shall be yow warrand And so we bid yow heartily fareuell Given att our Court at Kensingtoune the 28 day of February 1693/4 and of our reigne the 5th year By his Majesties Command sic subscribitur J Johnstoun
1. NRS, PC1/49, 326-7.
2. The word ‘a’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 326-7.
2. The word ‘a’ scored out here.