Act, 8 November 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh thursday 8th November 1694



Act Mr Thomas Deans for a roap manufactory

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill by Master Thomas Deans Shewing that where there being many privilidges provyded by Law to such as should undertake and prosecute manufactories within this Kingdome The deceast James Deans sometyme Bailly in the Cannongate the petitioners father and Robert Deans his brother did undertake the carrieing on a manufactorie of makeing roaps at Newheaven where they did imploy a considerable stock and a number of people at work which undertakeing not then proveing succesfull hath been for some tyme let fall after they had bestowed and lost great sums of money in prosecuteing the samine but now there being a more Generall Inclinatione to favor manufactories in this natione and Considering That there have been severall later lawes in their favors and that the said Lords have been carefull to give all countenance and encuragement to such undertakers for the publick good of the Kingdome and have made the Lawes in favors of manufactories are further advanced and in a better prospect then ever they were formerlie The said Mr. Thomas Deans petitioner is thereby incouraged to bestow a new stock in prosecuting his fathers and brothers undertakeing to carry on the manufactory for makeing of all manner of roaps which is a most usefull work especiallie for shipping which needs incouragement in this place But as the severall Lawes and acts of parliament have clearly stated the priviledges and immunities belonging to manufactories It doth only remaine That the said Lords doe declaire the foresaid undertakeing for makeing of roap of all sorts is a manufactorie and that the petitioner and such as should joyne with him for carrieing on the same their Heirs or assigneys are to enjoy the priviledges and immunities provyded by Law in favors of manufactories and seing the said petitioner pretends to noe monopoly to exclude any others of their Majesties leidges to undertake and prosecute the lyke publick work and to enjoy the samine priviledges the petitioner expected the said Lords favor and therfore Craveing the said Lords might be pleased To declare2 the said undertakeing for makeing of roaps of all sorts at Newheaven or any where else it should be thought convenient to be a manufactorie and that the said petitioner and others undertakers and prosecutors thereof and their foresaid might enjoy the priviledges and immunities by Law provyded in favours of manufactories The Lords of their majesties privy Councill Haveing heared and considered this petitione given in to them by the said3 Master Thomas Deans Do grant the desyre thereof and Declaire the said undertakeing for makeing of roaps of all sorts at Newheaven or where else it shall be thought convenient and the work to be set up thereupon to be a manufactorie and that the said petitioner and the other undertakers and prosecutors thereof with them and their Heirs and assigneys together with all persones imployed by them and their servants may and shall enjoy the priviledges and immunities by Law provyded in favors of manufactories als fully and freely as any other manufactorie within the Kingdome conforme to the lawes and acts of parliament made theranent in all poynts and that all persones concerned doe punctuallie observe the same as they will be answerable

At Edinburgh thursday 8th November 1694



Act Mr Thomas Deans for a roap manufactory

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill by Master Thomas Deans Shewing that where there being many privilidges provyded by Law to such as should undertake and prosecute manufactories within this Kingdome The deceast James Deans sometyme Bailly in the Cannongate the petitioners father and Robert Deans his brother did undertake the carrieing on a manufactorie of makeing roaps at Newheaven where they did imploy a considerable stock and a number of people at work which undertakeing not then proveing succesfull hath been for some tyme let fall after they had bestowed and lost great sums of money in prosecuteing the samine but now there being a more Generall Inclinatione to favor manufactories in this natione and Considering That there have been severall later lawes in their favors and that the said Lords have been carefull to give all countenance and encuragement to such undertakers for the publick good of the Kingdome and have made the Lawes in favors of manufactories are further advanced and in a better prospect then ever they were formerlie The said Mr. Thomas Deans petitioner is thereby incouraged to bestow a new stock in prosecuting his fathers and brothers undertakeing to carry on the manufactory for makeing of all manner of roaps which is a most usefull work especiallie for shipping which needs incouragement in this place But as the severall Lawes and acts of parliament have clearly stated the priviledges and immunities belonging to manufactories It doth only remaine That the said Lords doe declaire the foresaid undertakeing for makeing of roap of all sorts is a manufactorie and that the petitioner and such as should joyne with him for carrieing on the same their Heirs or assigneys are to enjoy the priviledges and immunities provyded by Law in favors of manufactories and seing the said petitioner pretends to noe monopoly to exclude any others of their Majesties leidges to undertake and prosecute the lyke publick work and to enjoy the samine priviledges the petitioner expected the said Lords favor and therfore Craveing the said Lords might be pleased To declare2 the said undertakeing for makeing of roaps of all sorts at Newheaven or any where else it should be thought convenient to be a manufactorie and that the said petitioner and others undertakers and prosecutors thereof and their foresaid might enjoy the priviledges and immunities by Law provyded in favours of manufactories The Lords of their majesties privy Councill Haveing heared and considered this petitione given in to them by the said3 Master Thomas Deans Do grant the desyre thereof and Declaire the said undertakeing for makeing of roaps of all sorts at Newheaven or where else it shall be thought convenient and the work to be set up thereupon to be a manufactorie and that the said petitioner and the other undertakers and prosecutors thereof with them and their Heirs and assigneys together with all persones imployed by them and their servants may and shall enjoy the priviledges and immunities by Law provyded in favors of manufactories als fully and freely as any other manufactorie within the Kingdome conforme to the lawes and acts of parliament made theranent in all poynts and that all persones concerned doe punctuallie observe the same as they will be answerable

1. NRS, PC/150, 39-41.

2. Insertion.

3. Insertion.

1. NRS, PC/150, 39-41.

2. Insertion.

3. Insertion.