Edinburgh The 5th. September 1694
Warrand for Imprisoning the Earle of Aboyne in the Castle of Stirlin
The Lords of their Majesties privy Council having heard a verball Report of the Committie appointed for Examining the Earle of Aboyns Governour and tuo servants wherby they give their opinion that all the Three are Preists and also Jesuits, They herby ordaine the said Earle to Enter himself prisoner within the Castle of Stirlin betuixt and saturdayes night nixt, and in the mean tyme allowes him to be at Liberty till then, He first giving Bond and finding sufficient Caution acted in the books of privy Councill, that he shall Enter himself prisoner in the said Castle betuixt and the tyme forsaid and in the mean time that he shall live peaceably under and with all submission to the present Government of their Majesties King William and Qween Mary And that he shal not act Consult nor Contrive anything in prejudice therof nor Converse or Correspond with any Rebells under the penaltie of Five thousand pound sterling, And the saids Lords doe herby give order and warrand to Lieutennent Collonell Erskin Lievt Governor of the Castle of Stirlin, and in his absence the nixt Comanding officer ther, To Receave the said Earle of Aboyne prisoner within the said Castle and detain him ther till furder order And gives warrand to the Clerks of Council upon receaving this bond, To give up the bond granted yesterday be the Earle to appear befor the Council the morrow and appoints the said Livt Governor to take notice what Company have access to him.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 4.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 4.