Act, 25 January 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the tuentie fifth day of January Jaj vic nyntie four years



Liberatione Leivt Collonell George Winrhame

Anent The petitione Given In to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councell Be Leivt Collonell George Winrhame Sheuing That the petitioner at his attendance upon the saids Lords near Eight months agoe was made prisoner in the Castle of Stirline quhere he had for soe many months Continoued under the Infirmities of old age and many other evills which he uould not Give their Lordships the trowble to know Besyds the great prejudice he is Lyke to sustaine in his affairs be his absence from the sessione house He having tuo Considerable processes in the roll and others Coming in against him which the petitioner desyred might be rather taken Into favourable Consideratione then particularly urged be him And the petitioner Having alwayes Lived peacably For which he was Content not only to find sufficient Cautione to Continou still to doe but lykewayes to Compear before their Lordships when called And therfore Supplicating to the effect underwryten as the said petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councell Having Considered the forsaid petitione given in to them Be the above Leivt Collonell Winrhame They Heirby Give ordor and warrand to Leivt Collonell John Areskine Leivt Governour of the Castle of Stirline And in his absence the nixt Commanding officer ther to sett the petitioner at Liberty furth of the said Castle And Confyns him to the toune of Edinburgh and a Mylle about the same In respect he hes given bond and found sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councell That he shall straight way repaire from the said Castle of Stirline to the said toune of Edinburgh And that he shall remaine Confyned therat and uithin a mylle about the same And not Goe uithout the bounds of his Confynment And that he shall Reenter himself prisoner uithin the said Castle of Stirline betuixt and the first teusday in march nixt And in the mean tyme that he shall Live peacably under and uith all submission to the present government of their Majesties King William and Queen Mary And that he shall not Act Consult nor Contryve any thing in prejudice therof nor Converss or correspond uith any rebells And shall appear before the saids Lords of privy Councell if called for before the said day under the penaltie of ten thousand merks Scotts In caise he shall transgress in any part of the premisses

Att Edinburgh the tuentie fifth day of January Jaj vic nyntie four years



Liberatione Leivt Collonell George Winrhame

Anent The petitione Given In to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councell Be Leivt Collonell George Winrhame Sheuing That the petitioner at his attendance upon the saids Lords near Eight months agoe was made prisoner in the Castle of Stirline quhere he had for soe many months Continoued under the Infirmities of old age and many other evills which he uould not Give their Lordships the trowble to know Besyds the great prejudice he is Lyke to sustaine in his affairs be his absence from the sessione house He having tuo Considerable processes in the roll and others Coming in against him which the petitioner desyred might be rather taken Into favourable Consideratione then particularly urged be him And the petitioner Having alwayes Lived peacably For which he was Content not only to find sufficient Cautione to Continou still to doe but lykewayes to Compear before their Lordships when called And therfore Supplicating to the effect underwryten as the said petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councell Having Considered the forsaid petitione given in to them Be the above Leivt Collonell Winrhame They Heirby Give ordor and warrand to Leivt Collonell John Areskine Leivt Governour of the Castle of Stirline And in his absence the nixt Commanding officer ther to sett the petitioner at Liberty furth of the said Castle And Confyns him to the toune of Edinburgh and a Mylle about the same In respect he hes given bond and found sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councell That he shall straight way repaire from the said Castle of Stirline to the said toune of Edinburgh And that he shall remaine Confyned therat and uithin a mylle about the same And not Goe uithout the bounds of his Confynment And that he shall Reenter himself prisoner uithin the said Castle of Stirline betuixt and the first teusday in march nixt And in the mean tyme that he shall Live peacably under and uith all submission to the present government of their Majesties King William and Queen Mary And that he shall not Act Consult nor Contryve any thing in prejudice therof nor Converss or correspond uith any rebells And shall appear before the saids Lords of privy Councell if called for before the said day under the penaltie of ten thousand merks Scotts In caise he shall transgress in any part of the premisses

1. NRS, PC1/49, 234-5.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 234-5.