Act, 8 March 1694 (pm), Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Eodem Die [8 March 1694]. Post meridiem



Act Duncan Forbes of Culloden and the other Commissioners of Supply within the Shyre of Inverness

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of ther Majesties privy Councill be Duncan Forbes of Colloden of the Supply of the Shyre of Innvernes and James Dumbar elder and younger the Collectors Shewing That quher the said shyre is most Spacious and consists mainly of the Highlands and ther being also therin severall places most unaccessible, such as the Isles of Sky, Uist, Bara and Roasso, Severall of the heritors who doe inhabit the saids Islands and other remott places of the shyre do neglect to pay the ciss and other publict burdeins. And albeit all care have been taken for preventing of this, yet all former methods that has been used have proven ineffectuall In alse much as when parties are sent out to intimat quartering they most instantly returne seing they can have no Conveniencie wither for themselves or horsses, And when parties have been againe sent in order to poynd for cess or deficiencie the heritors allwayes gett intelligence and doe dryve away ther Cattell and what farder remaines within their house or on the Land Is of no value, So that the Collector have been either forced to advance of their oune privat money which was due to ther majesties and also what was due to the parties for deficiencie Or otherwayes the Commissioners and heritors of the Lower part of the shyre have been necessitate to tak this burding on them, And Seing the only effectuall means for preventing of this will be that some of these 2 heritors rules they make payment afterintimation be Seazed and keeped prisoners untill they give satisfaction and quhich cannot be done without the assistance of the forces And that this is Just does evidently appear from these instances, […] Mckinan of Mckinan owes seven by Rum termes cess Keneth Milquo in Uist does ow nyne or ten termes and Donald Mcdonald brother to Sir James Mcdonald of Sclait owes twentie termes And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would Consider the premisses And in Respect of the petitioners circumstances To Recomend to Sir Thomas Liveingstoune Comander in Cheif of their majesties forces in this kingdome to grant order to the Comanding officer at Invernes at the desyre of Commissioners of the Supply and ther Collectors to give parties of men under ther command for concurring in the aprehending of such of the heritors as are deficient and inhabites the forsaid remote and unaccessible places wher quartering has no effect And that they be brought to Invernes and ther keept prisoners untill they make payment as the petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill having Considered this petitione given in to them be the above Duncan Forbes Laird of Culloden for himself and in name of the remanent Commissioners of Supply of the Shyre of Invernes and James Dunbars elder and younger ther Collectors They heirby appoint dilligence to be done against the above deficients by horning and Caption, And Recommends to Sir Thomas Liveingstoune Commander in Cheif of their Majesties forces within this kingdome to give order to Competent parties of their Majesties forces to see the Captiones when raised put to due Executione.

Eodem Die [8 March 1694]. Post meridiem



Act Duncan Forbes of Culloden and the other Commissioners of Supply within the Shyre of Inverness

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of ther Majesties privy Councill be Duncan Forbes of Colloden of the Supply of the Shyre of Innvernes and James Dumbar elder and younger the Collectors Shewing That quher the said shyre is most Spacious and consists mainly of the Highlands and ther being also therin severall places most unaccessible, such as the Isles of Sky, Uist, Bara and Roasso, Severall of the heritors who doe inhabit the saids Islands and other remott places of the shyre do neglect to pay the ciss and other publict burdeins. And albeit all care have been taken for preventing of this, yet all former methods that has been used have proven ineffectuall In alse much as when parties are sent out to intimat quartering they most instantly returne seing they can have no Conveniencie wither for themselves or horsses, And when parties have been againe sent in order to poynd for cess or deficiencie the heritors allwayes gett intelligence and doe dryve away ther Cattell and what farder remaines within their house or on the Land Is of no value, So that the Collector have been either forced to advance of their oune privat money which was due to ther majesties and also what was due to the parties for deficiencie Or otherwayes the Commissioners and heritors of the Lower part of the shyre have been necessitate to tak this burding on them, And Seing the only effectuall means for preventing of this will be that some of these 2 heritors rules they make payment afterintimation be Seazed and keeped prisoners untill they give satisfaction and quhich cannot be done without the assistance of the forces And that this is Just does evidently appear from these instances, […] Mckinan of Mckinan owes seven by Rum termes cess Keneth Milquo in Uist does ow nyne or ten termes and Donald Mcdonald brother to Sir James Mcdonald of Sclait owes twentie termes And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would Consider the premisses And in Respect of the petitioners circumstances To Recomend to Sir Thomas Liveingstoune Comander in Cheif of their majesties forces in this kingdome to grant order to the Comanding officer at Invernes at the desyre of Commissioners of the Supply and ther Collectors to give parties of men under ther command for concurring in the aprehending of such of the heritors as are deficient and inhabites the forsaid remote and unaccessible places wher quartering has no effect And that they be brought to Invernes and ther keept prisoners untill they make payment as the petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill having Considered this petitione given in to them be the above Duncan Forbes Laird of Culloden for himself and in name of the remanent Commissioners of Supply of the Shyre of Invernes and James Dunbars elder and younger ther Collectors They heirby appoint dilligence to be done against the above deficients by horning and Caption, And Recommends to Sir Thomas Liveingstoune Commander in Cheif of their Majesties forces within this kingdome to give order to Competent parties of their Majesties forces to see the Captiones when raised put to due Executione.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 359v-360r.

2. One illegible word scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 359v-360r.

2. One illegible word scored out here.