Att Edinburgh the tuentie fifth day of January Jaj vic nyntie four years
Protectione To Raite of Halgreen
Anent The petitione Given in to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Be Uilliam Raite of Halgreen sheuing That wher David Auchterlonie merchant in Montross taking advantadge of the petitioners present Circumstances Being necessitat to retire to the abbay through the rigour of some of his Creditors occasioned by the unjust dealling of Mr Androw Wood of Netherbennum and James Burnet of Lagavon to whom he sold pairt of his estate to the value of sixtie six thousand merks as uas nottourly knouen touards their payment and satisfactione they having suspended the charge for payment therof He the said David Auchterlony finding the petitioner at this pinch had raised ane Complaint before the saids Lords for ane ryott Committed by the petitioner upon him and for severall other Calumnious Crymes In manner specified in the Coppie of the Letters theruith produced and had given him ane charge and Citatione to Compear before the saids Lords the first of February nixt And seing he was verie willing to Give obedience to the said Citatione and Compear before the saids Lords the said day In ordor to his defence and vindicatione If he had personall freedome from Captiones and other personall dilligence for civill debts And that the saids Lords were authorized and in use to Grant protectiones in such caises for such competent tyme That parties may Compear and have the benefite of their Lordships Justice in their Just and Laufull defence And therfore Supplicating to the effect underwryten as the said petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councell Having Considered the forsaid petitione given in to them be the above Uilliam Raite of Halgreen They Heirby Grant personall protectione to the petitioner till the Eighteenth day of February nixt to Come And discharges all Judges and Magistrats, messengers at armes, officers in burgh or Landuard To putt any Letters of Captione Acts of warding or other personall dilligence to executione Against the said William Raite untill the forsaid day inclusive Excepting alwayes their Majesties rents and publict dues sic subscribitur Tueeddall cancel: Leven Annandall Tarbat Beilhaven Polluarth W Anstruther John Lauder William Master of Forbess
1. NRS, PC1/49, 235.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 235.