Act, 27 February 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie seventh day of february Jaj vic nyntie four years



Act Mr John Murray anent his Cautionry for Lues Hay

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councill Be Mr John Murray Advocat designed in the bond underwryten John Murray brother german to Patrick Murray of Livingstoun Sheuing that wher the petitioner Having obleidged himself under the penaltie of one hundreth pounds sterling for the presentation to the Councill and regular behaviour of Lues Hay sometyme Cornet to Sir Thomas Livingstoun The bond not obleidging the petitioner to present the said Lues at a particular day and he being Called for when neither he nor the petitioner were upon the place notwithstanding of the petitioners application and his uillingnes to Compear before the saids Lords yet a new day uas never granted for his presentation so that the petitioner Lyes under the hazard of Forefaulting his said bond of ane hundreth pounds Albeit the said Lues hes never acted any thing offensive to the government And Lykewayes being uilling to Compear and de facto hath Compeared severall tymes before the Lord Advocat and gave him satisfaction In such matters as his Lordship uas pleased to Interrogat him And therfore Humbly Craving to the effect under wryten as the said petition bears The saids Lords of their Majesties privie Councill Having Considered the above petition They heirby ordaine the above Lues Hay and the petitioner who is Cautioner for him to Grant a new bond that the said Lues Hay shall Live peacably under and uith all submission to the present government of their Majesties King William and Queen Mary And that he shall not Act Consult or Contrive any thing in prejudice therof nor shall not Converss or Correspond uith any rebells And that he shall appear before the saids Lords of privie Councill when called for under the penaltie of ane Hundreth pounds sterline In caise he shall transgress in any pairt of the premisses And upon Granting of this bond alloues the Clarks of Councill to delyver up the former And discharges both principall and Cautioner of all execution that hes folloued or may follow upon the said former bond

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie seventh day of february Jaj vic nyntie four years



Act Mr John Murray anent his Cautionry for Lues Hay

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councill Be Mr John Murray Advocat designed in the bond underwryten John Murray brother german to Patrick Murray of Livingstoun Sheuing that wher the petitioner Having obleidged himself under the penaltie of one hundreth pounds sterling for the presentation to the Councill and regular behaviour of Lues Hay sometyme Cornet to Sir Thomas Livingstoun The bond not obleidging the petitioner to present the said Lues at a particular day and he being Called for when neither he nor the petitioner were upon the place notwithstanding of the petitioners application and his uillingnes to Compear before the saids Lords yet a new day uas never granted for his presentation so that the petitioner Lyes under the hazard of Forefaulting his said bond of ane hundreth pounds Albeit the said Lues hes never acted any thing offensive to the government And Lykewayes being uilling to Compear and de facto hath Compeared severall tymes before the Lord Advocat and gave him satisfaction In such matters as his Lordship uas pleased to Interrogat him And therfore Humbly Craving to the effect under wryten as the said petition bears The saids Lords of their Majesties privie Councill Having Considered the above petition They heirby ordaine the above Lues Hay and the petitioner who is Cautioner for him to Grant a new bond that the said Lues Hay shall Live peacably under and uith all submission to the present government of their Majesties King William and Queen Mary And that he shall not Act Consult or Contrive any thing in prejudice therof nor shall not Converss or Correspond uith any rebells And that he shall appear before the saids Lords of privie Councill when called for under the penaltie of ane Hundreth pounds sterline In caise he shall transgress in any pairt of the premisses And upon Granting of this bond alloues the Clarks of Councill to delyver up the former And discharges both principall and Cautioner of all execution that hes folloued or may follow upon the said former bond

1. NRS, PC1/49, 276.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 276.