Warrant, 30 October 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh tuesday The 30th October 1694



Warrand for continuing the Solemnity of his Majesties birth till the 5th of this moneth

The Lords of their majesties privy Councill Considering That the fourth of November being the day of his Royall Majesties happy birth doeth this year fall upon Sunday or the Lords day Therfore the said Lords Doe Hereby Continow the solemnitys usuall upon that day untill the munday immediatlie following the same And appoynts intimation to be made Hereof To the magistrats of Edinburgh and Governours of their majesties Castles, Forts and Garrisons.

At Edinburgh tuesday The 30th October 1694



Warrand for continuing the Solemnity of his Majesties birth till the 5th of this moneth

The Lords of their majesties privy Councill Considering That the fourth of November being the day of his Royall Majesties happy birth doeth this year fall upon Sunday or the Lords day Therfore the said Lords Doe Hereby Continow the solemnitys usuall upon that day untill the munday immediatlie following the same And appoynts intimation to be made Hereof To the magistrats of Edinburgh and Governours of their majesties Castles, Forts and Garrisons.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 34.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 34.