Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twentie Seventh day of December Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Act Sir William Sharp anent accompts.

The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered a report of a Committie of their oun number appoynted for reviseing the accompts resting by ther majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing that the said Comittie having Considered the report of the Commissioners of Supply within the shyre of Fyfe anent the park of Statyrum or Balgove with the declaratione of George Howat factor appoynted be the Lords of Sessione for uplifting the rents of Sir William Sharp of Scotscrage his estate in Fyfe They find that the rent of the said park was fiftie punds sterling yearly And Therfore it is ther oppinione that for the time the two troops belonging to the Lord Jedburgh then Lord Newbotle And Captaine Bennett of Grubett pastured in the said park The said Sir William should have allowed to him the soume of thrie hundred punds scots or damnadge done by pastureing the saids troops in the said park which was in the year Jaj vjc nyntie years And it is their oppinion that he should be Recomended to the Lords Commissioners of ther majesties thesaury for payment of the said soume of thrie hundreth punds out of the polemony appointed by the nynth act fourth sessione of this Current parliament as the said Report in it self more fully bears, They heirby Recomend to the Lords Commissioners of ther majesties thesaurie To Cause 2 payment be made to the said Sir William Sharp of the above soume of thrie hundred punds scots out of the present pole money.

Att Edinburgh the Twentie Seventh day of December Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Act Sir William Sharp anent accompts.

The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered a report of a Committie of their oun number appoynted for reviseing the accompts resting by ther majesties forces to the Countrey Bearing that the said Comittie having Considered the report of the Commissioners of Supply within the shyre of Fyfe anent the park of Statyrum or Balgove with the declaratione of George Howat factor appoynted be the Lords of Sessione for uplifting the rents of Sir William Sharp of Scotscrage his estate in Fyfe They find that the rent of the said park was fiftie punds sterling yearly And Therfore it is ther oppinione that for the time the two troops belonging to the Lord Jedburgh then Lord Newbotle And Captaine Bennett of Grubett pastured in the said park The said Sir William should have allowed to him the soume of thrie hundred punds scots or damnadge done by pastureing the saids troops in the said park which was in the year Jaj vjc nyntie years And it is their oppinion that he should be Recomended to the Lords Commissioners of ther majesties thesaury for payment of the said soume of thrie hundreth punds out of the polemony appointed by the nynth act fourth sessione of this Current parliament as the said Report in it self more fully bears, They heirby Recomend to the Lords Commissioners of ther majesties thesaurie To Cause 2 payment be made to the said Sir William Sharp of the above soume of thrie hundred punds scots out of the present pole money.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 122v-123r.

2. The word ‘make’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 122v-123r.

2. The word ‘make’ scored out here.