Order, 18 April 1694 (pm), Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Eighteenth day of Apryle Jaj vic nyntie four Eodem die post meridiem



Articles and Instructions to Major Reid Anent Surrender of the Bass

Articles and Instructiones for Major Robert Reid and […] according to which and noe otheruayes they are to treat with Michaell Midletoune and the other rebells in the Bass For surrendering and delyvering up therof notwithstanding of the Commission granted to them in Generall termes by the privie Councell for treating uith the saids rebells
primo That ther be ane Ample act of freedome and Indempnity to the said Michaell Midletoune and to all the other persones presently in the said Island of the Bass under his Command for their Lifes Liberties and fortunes And of all past and done by them or any of them against this present government or to the prejudice of any particular persone by sea or Land since their seising and holding out of the said Island of the Bass for the defence or supplie therof For nothing of all which they shall be questioned by any persone or persones at any tyme heirafter Secundo That such persons to be sett doun in List who are Imprisoned upon account of the Bass whither sentenced to death or not with all others who have been in the said garrisone and have Left it since the first day of January Jaj vic nyntie three shall be Indemnified freed and sett at Libertie with this declaratione That noe person whatsoever shall be for heirafter questioned or molested for having Corresponded uith or supplied the said garrisone in any tyme past Tertio That the said Michaell Midletoune uith the other persons in the said Garrisone under his Command shall march out of the said Island uithin tuenty four houres After signing the said Capitulatione uith their suords only And that Boats shall be furnished to them for their safe transport to the shoare at Castletoun Quarto The said Michaell Midletoune and haill other persons uithin the said Island are uithin tuelve houres after the signing the said Capitulatione to delyver up to your possessione the said Island of the Bass uith the Cannon haill armes and amunitione stores boats and others belonging to the said Island or uithin the samen except the suords worne by the saids persones themselves when they come out and the goods afterspecified Quinto That the said Michaell Midletoune shall Condescend under his hand upon the names and designationes of these persones Comprehended in this Capitulatione who are to departe out of this Kingdome for France betuixt and the fixed day aftermentioned wind and weather serving who shall have passes granted to them accordingly for their safe transport betuixt and the said day And Lykewise shall Condescend under his hand upon the names and designationes of the persones forsaids who are to remaine uithin this Kingdome That protectiones may accordingly be given to them upon their Granting bond obleidging themselves to Live peacably uith all submission in the ordinary forme Sexto The said Michaell Midletoune and other persones in the Bass shall be alloued the space of Eight dayes tyme after signing the Capitulatione for transporting out of the Bass the Masts, netts anchors Cables salt and other Goods belonging to themselves and not made use of for the Cran or boats presently Imployed at the Bass And they shall be alloued ane bark or Convenient boats for transporting the saids goods uithout stopp or hinderance and shall be alloued to dispose of them for their oune advantadge Septimo Captain Ferdinando’s men not exceeding the number of Ten are to be alloued a competent aliment untill their going out of the Kingdome which is to be betuixt and the […] day of […] wind and weather serving which is to be the fixed day both for them and these mentioned in the fifth article And a sufficient ship uith provisions shall be ordered for their transport to Dunkirk or Haverdegrace Gratis Octavo upon the offer of this Capitulatione (if accepted) Hostages be presently Delyvered for performance and the Capitulation signed Conforme to the Commission of Councell That possession of the Bass be taken by yow And the persones therin be Carryed ashoar as above And that they repaire to Edinburgh uith all Conveniency Ther to remaine till protections be given to such as are to remaine uithin the Countrey And a ship be made ready for transporting them who are to goe to France and passes granted to them for that effect Nono That the List mentioned in the second article be transmitted to my Lord Chancellor and aggreed to by his Lordship before it be accorded to or the treaty Concluded sic subscribitur Tueeddale cancel: Southerland Annandall Forfar Tarbat Strathnaver Ross Carmichaell Poluarth James Steuart Adam Cockburne Frances Montgomery T Livingstoun John Hall

Att Edinburgh the Eighteenth day of Apryle Jaj vic nyntie four Eodem die post meridiem



Articles and Instructions to Major Reid Anent Surrender of the Bass

Articles and Instructiones for Major Robert Reid and […] according to which and noe otheruayes they are to treat with Michaell Midletoune and the other rebells in the Bass For surrendering and delyvering up therof notwithstanding of the Commission granted to them in Generall termes by the privie Councell for treating uith the saids rebells
primo That ther be ane Ample act of freedome and Indempnity to the said Michaell Midletoune and to all the other persones presently in the said Island of the Bass under his Command for their Lifes Liberties and fortunes And of all past and done by them or any of them against this present government or to the prejudice of any particular persone by sea or Land since their seising and holding out of the said Island of the Bass for the defence or supplie therof For nothing of all which they shall be questioned by any persone or persones at any tyme heirafter Secundo That such persons to be sett doun in List who are Imprisoned upon account of the Bass whither sentenced to death or not with all others who have been in the said garrisone and have Left it since the first day of January Jaj vic nyntie three shall be Indemnified freed and sett at Libertie with this declaratione That noe person whatsoever shall be for heirafter questioned or molested for having Corresponded uith or supplied the said garrisone in any tyme past Tertio That the said Michaell Midletoune uith the other persons in the said Garrisone under his Command shall march out of the said Island uithin tuenty four houres After signing the said Capitulatione uith their suords only And that Boats shall be furnished to them for their safe transport to the shoare at Castletoun Quarto The said Michaell Midletoune and haill other persons uithin the said Island are uithin tuelve houres after the signing the said Capitulatione to delyver up to your possessione the said Island of the Bass uith the Cannon haill armes and amunitione stores boats and others belonging to the said Island or uithin the samen except the suords worne by the saids persones themselves when they come out and the goods afterspecified Quinto That the said Michaell Midletoune shall Condescend under his hand upon the names and designationes of these persones Comprehended in this Capitulatione who are to departe out of this Kingdome for France betuixt and the fixed day aftermentioned wind and weather serving who shall have passes granted to them accordingly for their safe transport betuixt and the said day And Lykewise shall Condescend under his hand upon the names and designationes of the persones forsaids who are to remaine uithin this Kingdome That protectiones may accordingly be given to them upon their Granting bond obleidging themselves to Live peacably uith all submission in the ordinary forme Sexto The said Michaell Midletoune and other persones in the Bass shall be alloued the space of Eight dayes tyme after signing the Capitulatione for transporting out of the Bass the Masts, netts anchors Cables salt and other Goods belonging to themselves and not made use of for the Cran or boats presently Imployed at the Bass And they shall be alloued ane bark or Convenient boats for transporting the saids goods uithout stopp or hinderance and shall be alloued to dispose of them for their oune advantadge Septimo Captain Ferdinando’s men not exceeding the number of Ten are to be alloued a competent aliment untill their going out of the Kingdome which is to be betuixt and the […] day of […] wind and weather serving which is to be the fixed day both for them and these mentioned in the fifth article And a sufficient ship uith provisions shall be ordered for their transport to Dunkirk or Haverdegrace Gratis Octavo upon the offer of this Capitulatione (if accepted) Hostages be presently Delyvered for performance and the Capitulation signed Conforme to the Commission of Councell That possession of the Bass be taken by yow And the persones therin be Carryed ashoar as above And that they repaire to Edinburgh uith all Conveniency Ther to remaine till protections be given to such as are to remaine uithin the Countrey And a ship be made ready for transporting them who are to goe to France and passes granted to them for that effect Nono That the List mentioned in the second article be transmitted to my Lord Chancellor and aggreed to by his Lordship before it be accorded to or the treaty Concluded sic subscribitur Tueeddale cancel: Southerland Annandall Forfar Tarbat Strathnaver Ross Carmichaell Poluarth James Steuart Adam Cockburne Frances Montgomery T Livingstoun John Hall

1. NRS, PC1/49, 351-353.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 351-353.