Edinburgh the threteinth day of March Jaj vjc nyntie four years
Act The heritors of the paroch of Migle:
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of ther Majesties privy Councill be Thomas Nairne of Kirkhill for himself and in name and behalf of the rest of the heritors of the parish of Migle Shewing That quher ther is a very great necessitie of haveing ane high way (which may be passable in winter) Thorow the myres of the parichin of Migle being ane ordinary passadge to and from the toune of Dundie and Eliot, and parishins of Migle, Eliot, Newtyll Glenlaw, Strathairlie and severall others The want of which way hitherto stops Comerce among all these places, and has occasioned the Loss of many persones yearly being drowned ther And like wayes very prejudiciall to ther majesties forces who pass that way betwixt the said toune of Dundie and the North, and must be made thorow the Said Myre upon the March betwixt Kirkhill and Cairne in the Comuntie of Migle, And seing the said stipends of Migle Benochie and Kinloch are now vacant for the year Jaj vjc nyntie thrie and undisposed upon and are at the Disposall of the saids Lords and the Lords of thesaurie and Cannot be better applyed to such a necessary pious use within the parish, And Because these Stipends will not be Suficient for all the works It were Convenient that ther were a voluntar Contribution of the touns of Dundie and Eliot and parochins of Migle, Eliot, Newtyll, Glenlaw, Strathairlie and others abovementioned as being all concerned in it and being most willing to Contribut for the samen And that the said stipends and soumes of money to be Collected as said is, may be rightly applied to the said use and no part therof Imbazled for any privat use, It is necessar that the uplifting ingathering and disponeing therof for the said use be Comitted etc intrusted to some particular persone upon suficiant Caution for the manadging therof, And that all concerned are desyreous that the said trust may be Committed to Thomas Nairn of Kirkhill one of the principall heritors of the said parish of Migle, And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords to Grant a gift of the said years vaccand stipends for the use abovewritten and a warrand for the said voluntar Contributione for the same use with the saids Lords approbatione therof to the Lords of thesaurie for the stipends above mentioned, and that the saids Lords would Committ the trust and manadgment of both for the said use a forsaid unto the said Thomas Nairn of Kirkhill upon his finding suficient Caution as said is as the said petition bears. The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Thomas Nairne for himself and in name and behalf of the rest of the heritors of Meigle They heirby allow a voluntar Collectione to be made at the Church doors of all the parishes within the Shyre of Angus and within the bounds of Gowrie and the Carss therof and the toune of Pearth for makeing a high way which may be passable in winter throw the myres of the parishin of Meigle upon Sabbath the nynth day of march Jaj vjc nyntie six nixt to come and appoints the saids Collectiones to be payed in to the above Thomas Nairne In Respect he hes given bond and found suficient Caution acted in the books of privy Councill that the Collectiones to be delivered in to him shall be applyed to the use forsaid And Recomends to the ministers of the severall parishes within the respective bounds forsaids to make intimatione publictly from their pulpits of this act upon the sabbath day Immediatly preceiding the day above appointed for makeing the saids Collections.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 368v-369r.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 368v-369r.